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"Where do you live?" Drew asked Karem as they were driving his car, it's been forever since there was silence in the car.

Karen shrugged her shoulders having nothing to say to him, she really didn't have anywhere she lived.

"Do you have any family around?" Drew asked and Karen shook her head no.

Drew held the steering wheel and he reached for the back, he took out a plastic and picked it up. Karen watched as he searched inside and he took out a small book. It had a pencil attached to it.

"Here, you can write on here since you can't talk." Drew said and Karen took it.

Drew looked as Karen wrote something down and she put the book up at him.

"Thank you " he read on the note and Drew nodded, "you're welcome." he said, what worried him now was her handwriting, it was as if a 7 year old wrote it.

"I'm gonna drive us to Atlanta and you will be able to find help there." Drew said and Karen started writing something down again.

"will they take her away from me?" he read on the note, he didn't think about that... he wasn't even sure what their relationship was.

"She is your daughter right?" Drew asked and Karen nodded but Drew knew she was lying, if she was she would've been able to feed her and her body didn't look like a body of a woman who just gave birth, he would know... his son's mother was an example.

"Then they won't take her away from you." Drew simply said and Karen's facials saddened even more.

Drew and Karen kept on the road for three days as Drew took stops to sleep, he stocked on food and milk before they hit the road so they were sorted there and  they were making their way to enter the Atlanta.

Drew drove to the old deal spots he knew from back in the day, deep in the hood streets of Atlanta and he opened the door so Karen and the baby could get out... he took his plastics leaving his bags of guns inside the car since he didn't want to cause any trouble. Only his gun was at his back, the one that never left his body.

Walking inside all eyes were on Drew and Karen , people looked at them as they entered the yard of the biggest dealer in their block.

He saw as some immediately took their flip phones out and were on call.

Drew knocked at the door, it was in the middle of the day and he had to make a plan for his next hit... he hasn't had enough time to plan things through since Karen ruined his initial one by being there, his alternative was to get rid of Karen and continue with his initial plan but he had to think it thoroughly.

"Well if it isn't Mr John Drew!" Smokey said greeting Drew as he opened the door.

"What's up Smoke?" Drew greeted back and they shook hands and got into a bro hug.

"Man it's been long since I seen you bro where your ass been?" Smokey asked him.

"I been around, been around. " Drew said.

"Come in bro, come in" Smokey said seeing Karen standing a little at the back holding a baby.

"Come on" Drew said looking back at Karen and he picked up the plastics.

"What's going on bro , I heard you were leaving trails of trouble everywhere you go...fucking shit up" Smokey said as he sat down in his couch, Karen looked around the place, sounds of babies crying and kids yelling filled the house but they weren't around.

"I just have some business to sort out man that's all... I been out of the game for a minute, I'm not saying I'm back but I have to fix some shit real quick. " Drew said not wanting to say anything more in front if Karen.

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