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Drew on the other hand was in deep trouble , he was driving a truck running away from drug dealers with an over a month old in his car.

After he found Blair's location after going back to the original bordello where he first caused havoc Drew successfully managed to get Kierra but his anger caused him to break his promise to Karen.

He was now driving to detroit with a bullet in his arm that he tried to cover and stop the bleed himself, he couldn't wait to see Karen... he couldn't wait to hand Kierra to Karen. It was difficult for him to drive with a baby when he was in pain himself and he had to make stops but he finally made it.

It took him almost a week to get back to her and he knew that Karen was going crazy over where Kierra was.

Drew made it out of his car and he took Kierra's car seat as she was in it and walked to Karen's mom's house.

He stood there and knocked on the door and a tall man answered the door.

"Uhm hi, is Karen home?" Drew asked.

"Who are you?" the man asked him and Drew sighed.

"I'm Drew, they know me inside." Drew said.

"Come in" the man said, he saw that he was injured and he was carrying a baby.

"Karen" Drew heard the man call, he put the car seat close to the door after closing and they walked over to the kitchen.

"Drew!" Karen quickly shot up and she got up.

"Oh my God " Karen said and she hugged him.

"What happened are you okay?" Karen asked in his embrace.

"I am now that I'm holding you." Drew said in her hug, he really was happy to see her.

"And she says they are just fucking?" Dorinda whispered to her sisters and they nudged her.

"I'm so happy you're okay" Karen said and she held his face and kissed him, she kept kissing him.

"Aye aye... none of that in my house nie!" Mattie yelled at the both of them and her sisters chuckled.

"Drew... you're shot" Karen said to him and Drew looked at his wound.

"I have a surprise for you" Drew said.

"Let me help you with your wound, I can clean it and sew it." Karen said to him.

"How you know how to do that?" Drew asked her looking surprised then smiled at her... he really missed Karen.

"Drew I've dealt with gangsters all my life... you're not the first." Karen said, Drew walked away to go back to the door and he came back holding the car seat in his hand.

"Oh my God" Karen said with tears in her eyes.

"Hi baby" Karen said and she went over to take her out the car seat.

"Hi baby, it's mommy" Karen said crying. Drew took notice of Karen saying she was mommy , it was the first time he heard her refer to herself as her mother and his heart warmed up.

Her sisters looked at each other confused again, they didn't know she had a baby. She didn't look like someone who had a baby and they looked at their mom who admired the reunion .

"Wake up baby, mommy missed you so much." Karen cooed kissing all over her face. And Jacky got up and left the room.

"Hiii" Karen cried as Kierra's eyes fluttered open.

" this is my daughter. " Karen said and she showed Kierra to her sisters.

"She's so beautiful Karen." Twinkie said and Dorinda agreed.

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