chapter 4: the water flowers of cerulean!

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After traveling through Mt. Moon and catching a Zubat and Geodude that were both sent to professor oak Y/n had finally reach Cerulean City.
strolling through its pristine streets with Ivysaur faithfully by his side.

"Feels good to finally get a chance to rest," Y/n remarks to himself as he enters the Pokemon Center. Inside, he spots another Nurse Joy, identical to the ones he's encountered before.

"Excuse me, could you please heal my Pokemon?" Y/n asks politely, placing his PokeBalls on the counter. Nurse Joy nods with a warm smile, taking the PokeBalls to the back for healing.

"Tired," Y/n sighs as he books a room in the Pokemon Center. After a quick nap and refreshing shower, Y/n retrieves his Pokemon.

In the Pokemon Center's battlefield, Y/n watches as Ivysaur and spearow engage in a sparring session.

"Ivysaur, maintain your distance and use vine whip! Spearow, focus on speed with quick pecks and Wing Attacks!" Y/n commands, preparing his main Pokemon for the upcoming Gym battle against Water-types.

Spearow takes flight and swoops down towards Ivysaur, but the Grass Pokemon counters with a swift smack with a vine, forcing Spearow to retreat. Spearow retaliates with Gust, but Ivysaur stood steadfast.

"Spearow spear spear!" Spearow chirps triumphantly as it begins to glowing and grow.

"Fearow!" Cawhed the flying type as Y/n watches Fearow in awe
"Good job, both of you!" Y/n praises, patting his newly evolved Fearow and Oddish.

The next day, Y/n arrives at Cerulean City Gym, a grand building with a circus-like tent roof adorned with a Dewgong emblem.

"This must be it, Cerulean City Gym," Y/n muses as he steps inside, where a show featuring three girls performing synchronized swimming captivates the audience.

"Huh, is this the right place?" Y/n wonders aloud, a passing guy confirms it.

"Yeah, they're the Gym Leaders," he points to the swimming girls. "You'll have to challenge them after the show."

"Alright, thanks," Y/n acknowledges, waiting for the show to conclude. Afterward, he searches for the Gym Leaders and stumbles upon an underground aquarium teeming with Water-type Pokemon.

"Wow! So many Pokemon!" Y/n exclaims with awe. As he watches the aquatic Pokemon swim gracefully, he hears approaching voices and turns to see the girls approaching.

"The crowd was amazing," the blue-haired girl remarks.

"Yeah, that was great," the pink-haired girl agrees.

"Daisy, that dive you did was superb," the redhead adds.

"The practice paid off," Daisy responds, the girls sharing a laugh.

"Um, excuse me," Y/n interrupts, gaining their attention. "Sorry, we don't do interviews," the redhead responds.

"No, I'm here for the Gym battle," Y/n clarifies.

"Oh, okay, follow us," Daisy nods as the three sisters lead Y/n to the battle arena.

"In this battle, each of us will use two Pokemon. Got it?" Lily, the pink-haired girl, confirms with Y/n nodding.

They position themselves opposite each other on the pool's platforms, with a referee ready at the sidelines.

"Seaking, go!" Lily releases her Pokemon into the water.

"Ivysaur, go!" Y/n calls out, summoning his Pokemon to the nearest platform.

"Seaking, Horn Attack!"

Seaking leaps from the water, aiming to pierce Ivysaur with it's horn.

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