chapter 18: A rivals reunion!

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Y/n woke up feeling the excitement for the Indigo League still buzzing within him. After breakfast, he decided to visit Professor Oak's lab to check on his Pokemon and prepare for his upcoming challenge.

As he approached the lab, he saw a familiar figure standing outside. Gary was leaning against the fence, a confident smirk on his face.

"Hey, Y/n!" Gary called out, waving nonchalantly. "Ready to lose in the Indigo League?"

Y/n grinned, walking up to him. "You wish, Gary. I've been training hard. I'm not going down without a fight."

Gary chuckled. "We'll see about that. I've caught some powerful Pokemon myself!"

Before Y/n could respond, Professor Oak appeared at the door. "Ah, both of you are here. Perfect timing! I was just about to make some tea. Why don't you both come inside and join me for a bit?"

Gary and Y/n exchanged glances before nodding and following the professor into the lab. The familiar scent of old books and Pokémon filled the air as they entered the cozy kitchen area. Professor Oak quickly set about boiling water and preparing tea.

"So, you two are both gearing up for the Indigo League," Professor Oak said as he poured the steaming tea into cups. "I must say, I'm proud of how far both of you have come."

Y/n took a sip of the tea, feeling a warm sense of nostalgia. "Thanks, Professor. It feels like just yesterday we were starting our journeys."

Gary nodded, leaning back in his chair. "Yeah, it's been a wild ride. But this is just the beginning. The real challenge starts now."

Professor Oak smiled knowingly. "Indeed it does. But remember, the journey is just as important as the destination. The bonds you've formed with your Pokemon will be your greatest strength."

Y/n and nodded in agreement. They sat in comfortable silence for a moment, sipping their tea and reflecting on their respective journeys.

Soon, the doorbell to Professor Oak's lab is rung making the world renowned researcher stand up,
"I should get that." He said as he left the room towards the front door leaving Y/n and Gary alone.

"It just so happens that you aren't the only Pokemon trainers to stop by today." Said the professor as he walked back into the room with ash, misty, Brock and Pikachu behind him as they notice Y/n and Gary.

"Well, now, I'm not surprised you showed up late, I'm surprised you showed up at all." Said Gary taunting Ash,"Hey!" Yelled as making Y/n chuckle.

"Alright, calm down, you two. Why can't Pallet's three top Pokemon trainers get along?" Asked professor oak as Y/n, ash and Gary could believe what they just heard

"Top trainers?!" They asked in unison,"them?' they asked again.

"That's right. All three of you are such fine trainers that you'll be Pokemon masters before long. You might be able to learn from each other." Said the professor as Ash and Gary turned away from each other as a shrimpy looking Krabby comes in carrying a tray of cups of tea,"Here's your Krabby, Ash."

"How ya doing, Krabby? Long time, no see." Said as with a smile,"That's his, huh?" Asked Gary in a amused tone. "Seems about average."

Ash, Y/n, Gary four Pokemon trainers left Pallet Town on their Pokemon Journeys, but you three have earned the most badges and I'm very proud.

"What happened to the other one?" Asked Ash,"That's what I'd like to know." Agreed Y/n

"The trainer got off to an excellent start, but they had to travel to a different region for family business." Informed professor oak.

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