chapter 12: The Safari Zone!

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As Y/n stood there, enveloped in the hugs of Mia and Lila, he couldn't help but blush at the contact of the two pretty girls.

"Thanks, you two," Y/n said, gently detangling himself from their embraces. "But I need to keep training and prepare for the next Gym."

Mia and Lila exchanged glances before Lila spoke up. "Hey, why don't we show you around the city a bit more? You know, as a way to celebrate your victory."

Y/n hesitated, but then nodded. "Alright, a short break wouldn't hurt. Lead the way."

They spent the next couple of hours exploring Saffron City. Mia and Lila took Y/n to a famous ramen shop known for its delicious food and unique flavors. The aroma of the broth and sizzling noodles filled the air as they entered the cozy restaurant.

"This place is amazing!" Y/n exclaimed, savoring the rich, savory taste of the ramen. "Thanks a bunch."

After their meal, they wandered through the bustling streets, stopping at various shops and stalls. Mia pointed out a store selling rare Pokemon merchandise, and Y/n couldn't resist picking up a few items for his team.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the city, they found themselves near the city's edge, overlooking a serene park. The tranquility of the park was a stark contrast to the busy city, offering a peaceful retreat.

"Today was fun," Y/n said, looking at Mia and Lila. "I really appreciate it."

"Of course," Mia replied. "It's no problem cuite." Said Mia with a wink making Y/n blush.

With that, they made their way back to the Pokemon Center where Y/n bid farewell to Mia and Lila for the evening. He needed some rest and time to strategize for his next challenge. He entered the Pokémon Center, greeted by the warm and familiar sight of Nurse Joy.

"Nurse Joy, could you heal my Pokémon again?" Y/n asked, handing over his PokéBalls.

"Of course, Y/n," Nurse Joy replied with a smile. "They'll be good as new in no time."

As he waited, Y/n found himself thinking about his next destination. After a while, Nurse Joy returned with his Pokemon. "Here you go, Y/n. Your Pokemon are all healed up and ready for action."

"Thanks, Nurse Joy," Y/n said, taking the PokeBalls. "I think I'll head out early tomorrow morning. There's no time to waste."

With that, Y/n found a room in the Pokemon Center and settled in for the night. As he lay in bed, he couldn't help but replay the events of the day in his mind. The encounter with Sabrina, the creepy doll, and the intense battles had left a lasting impression on him. But now, he had another badge, and his resolve was stronger than ever.

The next morning, Y/n woke up early, feeling refreshed and ready for the road ahead. He packed his things, double-checked his Pokemon, and headed out. Mia and Lila were there to see him off, offering their final words of encouragement.

"Good luck, Y/n!" Mia called out as he waved goodbye. "We know you'll do great!"

"Take care!" Lila added with a smile. "And remember, we'll be cheering for you!"

With a nod and a wave, Y/n set off on his journey once again, he was ready. His next destination Fuchsia City, home of the Poison-type Gym Leader, Koga. As he walked, the excitement and anticipation for the battles to come filled him with determination.

"Alright, let's go!" Y/n said to himself, a confident smile on his face as he embarked on the next leg of his adventure.

"Snorlax use strength!" Order Y/n as Snorlax lifted a massive boulder that was blocking the way let Y/n pass through as the large normal type throws the rock aside,"Thanks big guy, return!" Said Y/n as he recalled Snorlax to his PokeBall as Y/n pulls out a map,"Alright, almost at Fuschia city." Y/m muttered as he took out a PokeBall and threw it into the air making Fearow materialize and land next to Y/n.

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