chapter 32: The lost Lapras

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After the group arrived safely at Tangelo Island, they decided to explore the beach. The sun was high in the sky, casting a bright aglow over the sand and waves. As they walked along the shoreline, enjoying the sound of the ocean, they spotted a commotion in the distance.

Three figures were standing atop a weakened Lapras, its usually vibrant blue and white skin now marred with bruises. The majestic Pokemon lay helpless on the beach, struggling to lift its head. The gang members, dressed in dark clothing and sneering, were cruelly stomping and kicking the gentle creature.

Y/n, Ash, and Misty rushed forward, their faces set in determination. "Hey! Leave that Lapras alone!" Ash shouted, clenching his fists.

The three gang members turned to face them, their sneers widening. "What's it to you? Bugger off before you get hurt!" one of them barked as Y/n ams Ash ran towards them,"He said leave the Lapras alone." Repeated Y/n as the trio all took out PokeBalls.

"We need this Lapras to take on the Orange Crew! Now get lost!"

"Not if we have anything to say about it," Misty retorted, her eyes flashing with anger, making the gang jump off of the Lapras,"Alright but you asked for this!"

The gang members exchanged glances before tossing their PokeBalls into the air. "Spearow, go!" "Hitmonchan, it's your turn!" "Beedrill, let's do this!"

"Let's show them," Y/n said firmly, "Wooper, I choose you!"

Ash followed suit, calling out, "Pikachu, I choose you!" He shouted as Pikachu jumped off of his shoulder and into battle.

"And I'll send out Starmie!" Misty declared.

In a flash of light, the two water type Pokemon appeared on the sand. Pikachu sparked with electricity, Wooper stood ready, and Starmie hovered, its gem glowing brightly, each one looking fierce and ready for battle.

"Wooper, use Water Gun on Beedrill!" Y/n commanded.

"Pikachu, Thunderbolt on Spearow!" Ash yelled.

"Starmie, use Bubble Beam on Hitmonchan!" Misty ordered.

Wooper fired a powerful jet of water, striking Beedrill and sending it tumbling backward. Pikachu unleashed a surge of electricity that crackled through the air, zapping Spearow for super effective damage and causing it to flail in pain. Starmie shot a stream of bubbles at Hitmonchan, the force knocking it off balance.

The gang members growled in frustration. "Spearow, use Peck on Wooper!" "Hitmonchan, use Thunder Punch on Starmie!" "Beedrill, use Poison Sting on Pikachu!"

Spearow darted forward, beak aimed at Wooper, but Wooper nimbly dodged. Hitmonchan's fist crackled with electricity as it swung at Starmie, but Starmie deftly spun away. Beedrill's stingers glowed purple as it lunged at Pikachu, but Pikachu leapt aside just in time.

"Wooper, Mud Shot on Hitmonchan!" Y/n called out.

"Pikachu, Quick Attack on Spearow!" Ash commanded.

"Starmie, Psybeam on Beedrill!" Misty instructed.

Wooper launched a blob of mud at Hitmonchan, striking it in the face and sending it flying to the ground fainted . Pikachu moved with blinding speed, ramming into Spearow and knocking it out. Starmie's gem glowed brightly as it fired a multicolored beam at Beedrill, sending it crashing to the ground.

The gang members were left stunned as their Pokemon lay defeated. "Tsk, whatever. It's not even worth it!" Growled one of the gang members as they recalled their Pokemon back to their PokeBalls and left.

"Hehe, not bad. Not bad at all!" Their heard a voice as they turn to see a boy a little older then them sitting on a nearby rock while eating a Oren Barry.

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