chapter 23: festival of the elites

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In the main building of the Indigo Plateau, a large number of trainers stood waiting for the Indigo League's main tournament brackets to be revealed. The excitement in the air was palpable as everyone anticipated the matchups that would determine the next Pokemon Champion.

Y/n, Rin, Ash, Pikachu, Brock, Misty, and Togepi were standing around chatting as the announcer's voice echoed through the hall, signaling it was time to reveal the brackets. The large screen at the front of the room began to display the names, and the group watched intently.

"Alright, folks! Here are the matchups for the main tournament!" the announcer proclaimed.

The brackets filled in one by one:

- Ash Vs. Jeanette

- Richie Vs. Samurai

- Y/n Vs. lorelei

- Agatha Vs. Assunta

- Lance Vs. Bruno

- Karen Vs. Gary

- Gus Vs Nova

- Jake Vs. Jasper

The crowd erupted in murmurs and cheers as the matchups were announced. Ash's face lit up with excitement, while Y/n clenched his fist in determination, "Lorelei? Huh? Didn't see that on coming !" Said Y/n with determination.

Rin, though still a bit down from her earlier loss, couldn't help but smile at the anticipation of the battles to come.

"Since the preliminaries are over it's best to relax now since you two are going to battle non-stop are the next few days." Said misty as she held Togepi in her arms.

"Yeah and since the preliminaries are done this place is going to turn into a festival pretty soon." Said Brock as the passed by a couple of stands being set up.

"Hey look! A Venusaur mask, I'll take that on mr!" Said Y/n as he handed money to an elderly man as he got the Venusaur mask,"Thanks"

"Getting so excited over a mask... Such a child!" Said Misty as Y/n turned to her,"Let's check out the festival!" Ash , his eyes sparkling with excitement.

After while of walking Ash, Misty, Brock, Rin and Y/n are walking,"This place is the best!" Said Y/n as he carried multiple bolls, had s soda in one hand and a conton candy in the other and a Venusaur and Dragonite mask with party sunglasses.

"Don't you think you went a bit board?" As everyone sweat dropped at Y/n who laughed,"Come on! the whole point of these festivals is the have fun!" Said

"Hey! Let's check out that place!" Said Y/n as he ran to a stall,"Hey kid you wanna give it a try!" Asked the man,"Sure do."

"The game is simple, take this PokeBall and knock over that sign." Said the man pointing to a sign of a Pidgeot making Y/n nod and give him the money.

"Alright let's go this!" Yelled Y/n as he threw a curve ball knocking over the sign,"To easy!" Celebrated Y/n as the man nodded impressed,"Not bad kid, here's your prize." Says the man as he hands Y/n as large Pidgeot plush.

"Wow!" A little girl stared in awe at the Pidgeot plush making Y/n look between here and the fake pokemon,"Here, take this!" Said Y/n giving the doll to the girl.

"Really?!" Asked the group in Surprise,"Yeah, I can't carry anymore so I want you to have it." Said Y/n as he gave the girl the Pidgeot plush that was nearly bigger then hear.

"Thank you Mr!" She said happily as she ran back to her mom making Y/n smile.

Rin looked at Y/n with a gentle smile and a slight blush on her face, which Misty noticed,"What's with the blush?" Asked Misty quietly with a grin,"You like him don't you?" Asked Misty.

"What!? Y/n? No no no, you got the wrong idea!" Exclaimed Rin as her face was as red as a tamato making Misty's grin bigger.

"You should tell him, it'll be so romantic! Telling him at the festival at night with the stars above and the fire works going off." Said misty day dreaming about something

"That was nice of you, Y/n" Said Brock with Ash and Pikachu nodding in agreement,"It's special, but I really can't carry anymore things, do you think you guys can help me?" Asked Y/n smile sheepishly making the group walk away.

"No thanks." Said Brock,"Yeah you put yourself in that mess." Added Ash as they left Y/n,"No! Wait! I can't walk that fast with these things!" Yelled Y/n struggling to keep up.

As the group moved through the bustling festival, Ash and Pikachu ran ahead to explore more stalls, while Brock and Misty strolled leisurely, enjoying the lively atmosphere. Rin stayed close to Y/n, chuckling at his struggles but occasionally lending a hand.

"Okay, okay, slow down!" Y/n called out, finally catching up with his friends. He shifted his load, adjusting the masks and sunglasses precariously balanced on his head. "So, what's next on the agenda?"

"How about we check out the Pokemon battle demonstrations?" Ash suggested, pointing towards a nearby stage where a crowd had gathered.

"Sounds great! Maybe we can pick up some new strategies for the tournament," Rin said, her spirits lifting at the thought of learning new techniques.

As they approached the stage, they saw a seasoned trainer demonstrating advanced battle tactics with his Alakazam. The crowd oohed and aahed at the display of synchronized moves and quick thinking. Brock, ever the tactician, watched intently, absorbing every detail.

After the demonstration, the trainer invited some spectators to participate in a friendly battle. Ash's eyes lit up, and he raised his hand enthusiastically, "Pikachu and I are up for the challenge!"

Ash and Pikachu stepped onto the stage, facing off against another eager participant. The battle was intense, with Pikachu showing off its agility and strength, eventually securing a victory.

"Great job, Pikachu!" Ash cheered, patting his partner on the head.

"That was amazing, Ash!" Rin exclaimed. "You've really come a long way."

As the evening wore on, the group continued to enjoy the festivities, sampling various foods, playing games, and watching performances. The atmosphere was electric, filled with the excitement of the upcoming tournament.

Finally, as the night drew to a close, they made their way back to their accommodations. Y/n, now free of his burdens thanks to some kind vendors who offered to help, walked with a lighter step.

"Tomorrow's the big day," Brock said, his voice filled with anticipation. "You both need to get a good night's rest."

"Yeah, we need to be at our best," Y/n agreed, his earlier determination returning. "Assunta won't know what hit her."

"Let's give it our all!" Ash said, fist-pumping the air. "We'll show everyone what we're made of!"

With a final cheer, the group headed to their rooms, ready to face the challenges of the Indigo League Tournament and the adventures that awaited them.

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