chapter 5: the unofficial gym!

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Near the water's edge, a Golduck can bee seen resting, Y/n seeing a opportunity to add a Water-type Pokemon to their team,"Beedrill go!"
Y/n threw out a PokeBall making Beedrill materialize.

"Alright, Beedrill, let's go!" Y/n commands, confidence resonating in their voice. Beedrill buzzes with anticipation. Golduck notices their approach and stands alert, ready to defend its territory.

"Alright Beedrill use pin missle!"

Small needles appear around Beedrills stinger which glows as it fires a barrage of sharp pins towards Golduck. Golduck evades some, but a few strikes land, weakening it.

Golduck retaliates with a Water Pulse, summoning a spiraling blast of water that crashes towards Beedrill. Beedrill evades with a quick maneuver, leaving the water to splash harmlessly behind.

Taking advantage of the distraction
Y/n tosses a PokeBall towards the now-distracted Golduck as it got sucked into the PokeBall and started to shake.

Y/n and Beedrill watch anxiously as the PokeBall shakes once, twice, thrice... before finally emitting a satisfying Ding. The capture is successful! Y/n rushes forward to retrieve the PokeBall.

"Yeah! We caught a Golduck!" Cheered Y/n as he held up the PokeBall!,
"Beedrill Bee!" Beedrill cheered along.

A little while later Y/n was in a battle with a random trainer

"Bellsprout use vine whip!"

Bellsprout stretch it's arms out and tried to hit Fearow who grabbed the vine with his beak.

"Fearow use gust!" Fearow flats it's powerful wings sending Bellsprout flying into a rock knocking it out.

It's super effective.

"Wow, you're a really strong trainer!" Said Y/n's apponent as he returned Bellsprout to it's PokeBall.

"Thanks, you're pretty good too." Said Y/n,"Not as good as you, I bet you could even beat A.J.!" Said the trainer making Y/n confused,"A.J.?"

"Yeah, he lives over there." Said the trainer pointing into the distance,
"He trains savage pokemon. He's built his own gym and never lost a battle." Said the trainer making Y/n think,"A.J.? Might be worth checking out."

At the unofficial gym that had a gate made of wood and a sign that says,"97 wins and 0 loses" at the front entrance,"Wow this guy must be strong be have won 97 battles in a row." Y/n said to himself as Ivysaur stood beside him.

"Are you my next victim?" Asked a boy with spikey black hair with a few ruffes of hair in the front being green giving him the appearance of an Exeggutor

Ivysaur started growling angrily"Ivysaur?" Y/n asked confused at the pokemon's behavior.

"You must be the wild Pokemon trainer." Said Y/n,"Humph! That's my job. But beating chumps like you is my hobby. Ready lose?" Asked A.J. as he walked towards Y/n.

The large wooden doors to the gym open to reveal a large tent.

"Wow!" Said Y/n looking around impressed as a Butterfree flies in and picks up AJ's backpack and takes it into the tent.

"What's in the backpack?" Asked Y/n
"The wild Pokemon that I just caught. There's a whole bunch more in the tent, and then some." Said A.J.

"That's so cool!" Said Y/n.

"So, which Pokemon are you gonna choose for my ninety-eight win?" Asked A.J. as he walked onto the battle field,"Ninety-eight?" Y/n repeated with a raised eyebrow.

"Sorry to break it to you but today's the you're going to lose. Ivysaur let's go!"

"Saur!" Ivysaur nodded as he and Y/n stood at the opposite sides of the battle field.

"I like you're moxie, but I won't be going easy on you!" Said A.J. as he crack his whip making Y/n jump in surprise

"Watch it with that whip man!" Yelled Y/n,"When I won a hundred battles in a row I'll start competing for badges! So you better be ready!" Said A.J

"Let's get started then! Sandshrew, go!"Yells A.J. as he threw a Pokeball making a Sandshrew materializes from it as Y/n pulled out his Pokedex.

"Sandshrew, the Mouse Pokemon. It burrows deep underground in arid locations far from water and only emerges to hunt for food. When it gets cold at night, its hide is said to become coated with a fine dew." Said Dexter in his robotic voice.

"Ivysaur, Vine whip!"

Ivysaur unleashes a vine whip towards A.J.'s Sandshrew, aiming to overwhelm it with the force and speed of the vines.

"Sandshrew, Dig!"

With practiced agility, Sandshrew swiftly disappears into the rocky ground, evading the the vine whip attack completely.

"Ivysaur, keep your guard up!"

Y/n said as Ivysaur starts to look around readying itself for an attack.

A.J. let's a knowing smile grow on his face, "Sandshrew, Sand Attack!" .

Sandshrew emerges from beneath the rocky surface and kicks up a cloud of abrasive sand towards Ivysaur, hindering its vision.

"Ivysaur, don't lose focus! Use tackle!"

Seeing an opportunity to strike despite the challenging conditions. Ivysaur charges forward, aiming to deliver a precise and powerful blow to Sandshrew.

"counter with Rock Tomb!"

Sandshrew gathers nearby rocky debris, forming them into a protective barrier that surrounds and ensnares
Ivysaur before its tackle attack can connect. Ivysaur struggles against the sturdy rock tomb, unable to break free.

"Ivysaur, let's try solarbeam!"

Ivysaur's flower glow with solar energy and it fires a beam towards Sandshrew.

"A.J., finish it with Earthquake!"

Sandshrew dodged and channels its energy into the ground, creating powerful shockwaves that ripple through the rocky battlefield. The tremors cause the unstable terrain to quake violently.

As the dust settles, Ivysaur is visibly fatigued and struggling to stand amidst the destroyed battle field caused by Sandshrew's Earthquake. Sandshrew stands resolute, its rocky exterior showing minimal signs of Damage.

"Ivysaur return!" Y/n called out as he returned his weakened partner to it's PokeBall.

"You're pretty good, don't let me beating you get you down." Said A.J. as the two trainers shock hands.

"That Sandshrew of yours is something else and after you get your hundred victory I except you in the league." Said Y/n

Y/n and A.J. then parted ways as Y/n made his way to route 6.

- to be continued

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