chapter 16: What on earth!

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"golem use rock throw!" Yelled a girl as he golem summoned a large boulder before launching them at Y/n's Ivysaur.

"Block it with vine whip and use Soler beam!" Commanded Y/n as Venusaur sprouted vines from his flower and use them to destroy the boulder before it could reach him.

The flower on Venusaur's back begins to glow as. Venusaur fires a large beam of Soler energy hitting golem knocking out the rock/ ground type.

"Golem return." Said the girl as she calls her golem back to it's PokeBall with a disappointed sigh,
"I have to admit, your pretty skilled." Said the girl with a soft smile.

"Thanks your pretty good yourself." Said Y/n with a grin,"See you around." Said Y/n as he walked off.

It's been about a month since he battled Blaine at Chinabar island and he had made his way back to viridian city to challenge the gym there.

Y/n made his way through the familiar streets of viridian as he approaches the Viridian City Gym, feeling a mix of excitement and determination. He had trained hard for this moment and was ready to take on the final gym leader.

Upon entering the gym, Y/n was greeted by the sight of the imposing figure of Giovanni, who stood with an air of confidence and authority. "So, you've come to challenge me," Giovanni said, a smirk playing on his lips. "Very well. Let's see if you have what it takes."

Y/n nodded, stepping forward and reaching for a PokeBall. "I'm ready. Let's do this!"

Giovanni's smirk widened as he tossed a PokeBall into the air. "Nidoqueen, I choose you!"

A fierce-looking Nidoqueen materialized on the battlefield, roaring with power. Y/n responded by calling out his own Pokemon. "Nidoking, let's go!"

Nidoking emerged, his eyes immediately locking onto Nidoqueen. However, instead of focusing on the battle, Nidoking's eyes turned into heart shapes, and he seemed completely enamored with Nidoqueen. Y/n's eyes widened in surprise. "Nidoking, snap out of it! We need to battle!"

But Nidoking was too smitten to listen,"Nidoqueen double kick now!", Nidoqueen taking advantage of Nidoking's distraction and charged forward, landing a powerful Double Kick. Nidoking was sent flying backward, landing heavily on the ground, unable to continue.

"Nidoking, return," Y/n said with a sigh, recalling his Pokemon. He looked at Giovanni, who was still smirking confidently. "Alright, that was just a warm-up. Let's see how you handle my next Pokemon."

Y/n reached for another PokeBall, determined to turn the tide of the battle.

With a determined look, Y/n hurled his PokeBall, summoning Venusaur onto the battlefield. Venusaur appeared with a resolute stance, ready to redeem their earlier defeat. Across from them, Nidoqueen charged forward with a Horn Attack, aiming to overpower Venusaur.

"Venusaur, block it with Vine Whip!" Y/n commanded. Venusaur reacted swiftly, vines extending from its flower-topped back to intercept Nidoqueen's attack. The vines wrapped around Nidoqueen's horns, halting her charge.

"Now, slam her into the ground!" Y/n shouted.

Venusaur used its immense strength, swinging Nidoqueen around with its vines and slamming her forcefully onto the battlefield. The impact was powerful, and Nidoqueen lay unconscious, unable to continue the battle.

Giovanni's smirk faded into a look of surprise and begrudging respect. "Impressive," he admitted, recalling Nidoqueen to its PokeBall."But it's not over, Rhydon go."

As Giovanni recalled his Nidoqueen, he threw another PokeBall, releasing his formidable Rhydon onto the battlefield. The ground shook slightly as Rhydon stomped forward, its horn glinting dangerously.

"Venusaur, ready yourself! Let's keep up the momentum," Y/n commanded, his confidence bolstered by their previous victory.

Giovanni smirked again, clearly enjoying the challenge. "Rhydon, start with Rock Slide!"

Rhydon roared, summoning a cascade of large rocks from above to rain down towards Venusaur. Y/n quickly assessed the situation. "Venusaur, dodge and counter with Solar Beam!"

Venusaur leaped aside, narrowly avoiding the falling rocks, and then focused its energy into a brilliant beam of solar power. The Solar Beam shot forth, aiming straight at Rhydon with intense force.

"Rhydon, take the hit and retaliate with Earthquake!" Giovanni commanded swiftly.

Rhydon endured the Solar Beam, though it took significant damage, and then slammed its massive foot onto the ground. The entire battlefield trembled violently as shockwaves of seismic energy rippled outward.

"Venusaur, use Vine Whip to anchor yourself and resist the quake!" Y/n shouted, anticipating the tactic. Venusaur reacted quickly, its vines digging deep into the ground to stabilize against the Earthquake.

"Now, follow up with Razor Leaf!" Y/n continued, seizing the moment while Rhydon recovered from the powerful move.

Venusaur launched a flurry of sharp leaves, each one honing in on Rhydon with precision. The leaves cut through the air with swift accuracy, aiming to weaken Rhydon further.

"Giovanni, impressed by Y/n's expertise," commented."Venusaur use Soler beam again!"

Giovanni wasn't about to let the attack hit easily. "Rhydon, intercept with Stone Edge!" Rhydon responded by launching sharp stones from its body towards the Solar Beam, attempting to disrupt its trajectory.

The two attacks clashed fiercely in mid-air, causing an explosion of energy that rocked the battlefield. After the dust settled, Rhydon staggered back, visibly weakened by the powerful Solar Beam. However, it remained standing, ready to continue the fight.

Y/n gritted his teeth, realizing the battle was far from over. "Venusaur, keep the pressure on! Use Vine Whip to bind Rhydon!"

Venusaur's vines shot out once more, aiming to entangle Rhydon and restrict its movements. Rhydon attempted to evade, but Venusaur's vines were swift and relentless, wrapping around Rhydon's legs and body.

"Now, slam it with Take Down!" Y/n commanded. Venusaur tightened its grip on the vines and charged forward with incredible force, crashing into Rhydon with full momentum.

The impact was devastating. Rhydon struggled briefly against the onslaught but eventually succumbed to the powerful blow, unable to battle any longer.

Giovanni watched silently as he recalled his Rhydon, acknowledging Y/n's skill with a nod. "You've proven yourself worthy," he said, "You've earned the Earth Badge."

Y/n accepted the badge with a mix of pride and relief. He had faced formidable opponents and challenges throughout his journey, but defeating Giovanni felt like a significant achievement. As he left the Viridian City Gym, he knew that his journey was far from over, with new adventures and battles waiting ahead.

- to be continued

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