chapter 6: the team!

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As the sun began its descent behind the distant hills, Y/n decides to set up camp finding a nice spot next to a river he sets up camp for the night and calls out his team of Pokemon.

"Alright guys I'm gonna go collect some fire wood." Said Y/n as he began to walk,"Ivy! Ivysaur!" Half roared Ivysaur following after his trainer.

Ivysaur, ever kind and gentle creature, helped Y/n gather firewood with its Vines, Fearow, the carefree flyer, soared through the evening sky, swooping down playfully to tease Vulpix, who twirled happily, delighted by the attention.

Vulpix, with its obsession for beauty and elegance, couldn't resist picking wildflowers that dotted the plains, arranging them around the campsite. Beedrill, always maintaining an aloof demeanor, perched on a nearby tree branch, pretending not to care about the festivities but secretly keeping an eye on its trainer and teammates.

Golduck, the newest addition to the team, eagerly joined in the activities, hopping around with a contagious enthusiasm that brought smiles to everyone's faces. Its playful splashes in a nearby pond created ripples of laughter among the group.

As the fire crackled to life and the aroma of beef stew filled the air.

"Alright guys, foods ready!" Said Y/n as he placed five bowls of Pokemon food for each of his teammates and sat down and began eating aswell, he sent his other pokemon that he wasn't going to use to professor oak and decided to keep the 5.

Ivysaur nudged Y/n affectionately with its snout, while Fearow perched next to Y/n on the the log he was sitting on, preening its feathers happily.

Vulpix, satisfied with its floral arrangements, nestled close to Y/n's side, occasionally offering a leafy bouquet to its trainer. Beedrill, unable to resist the warmth of the fire descended from its lofty perch to join in, albeit with an air of nonchalance.

Golduck, sensing the harmony among its new teammates, began to mimic Fearow's playful actions, causing the bird Pokémon to engage in a friendly aerial game. The sight of his Pokemon enjoying each other's company filled Y/n's heart with warmth and gratitude.

"Hehe." Y/n chuckled as the stars emerged one by one in the night sky,

"Ivysaur!" Said the grass/ poison type at Beedrill trying to play but Beedrill tried to ignore him.

Y/n pulled out his Pokedex and started to fiddle with it as he looked at all the pokemon he had seen and caught.

"Vulpix? Vul vul pix!" Said Vulpix as she ran towards Y/n making him put away the Pokedex as Vulpix hands him a flower crown.

"Is this for me?" Y/n asked as Vulpix nods with a big smile,"that's so sweet, thank you!" Said Y/n as he put it on and pet Vulpix on the head.

"Vulpix Vulpix!" Said the fire type happily as she ran back to Golduck and Fearow as they started to play, chasing each other around.

Y/n watch his pokemon play around with a smile until Golduck and Fearow came to him.

"Golduck duck duck!" Said Golduck as it started tugging on his pants,"What? You want me to play too?" Asked Y/n.

"Gol!" Said Golduck with a nod,"Alright then, I'm gonna get you!" Yelled Y/n chasing after his pokemon while smiling.

- to be continued

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