chapter 14: the frozen island!

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Y/n soared over the expansive ocean, the wind whipping through his hair as he clung to the back of his trusty Fearow. The vast blue expanse stretched out beneath but in the distance, an island loomed on the horizon. As they drew nearer, it became clear that this island was encased in ice, a stark contrast to the tropical surroundings.

Fearow descended gracefully, its talons touching down on the frozen ground. Y/n dismounted, giving his Pokemon a grateful pat on the head. "Thanks, Fearow. Return!" he recalled Fearow into its PokeBall with a smile.

He then took a look around, pulling out a map and scanning it for any indication of a frozen island. Confusion etched his features as the map offered no clue.

"Weird... There's no sign of any ice island around," he muttered thoughtfully.

A sudden shadow cast over Y/n, prompting him to look up. A massive bird Pokemon circled overhead, its majestic wings cutting through the sky. With a resounding cry, the bird descended, revealing itself to be a majestic blue bird Pokemon.

"Huh? Never seen that Pokemon before," Y/n murmured as he pulled out his Pokedex and scanned the Pokemon before him. "Articuno, the Freeze Pokemon. This Pokemon is extremely rare; not much is known about it," the Pokedex informed.

Articuno's eyes flashed with territorial anger as it let out a powerful cry, diving towards Y/n with incredible speed. Instincts kicked in as Y/n rolled out of the way, pulling a PokeBall from his belt. With a quick flick of the wrist, Fearow materialized, ready for battle.

"Let's do this!" Y/n shouted, determination in his eyes.

Fearow flew towards Articuno aggressively, its beak spinning like a drill as it tried to pierce Articuno. The legendary bird gracefully dodged out of the way and shot an Ice Beam from its beak, completely freezing Fearow and knocking it out.

"Crap. Fearow, return," Y/n swore as he recalled Fearow back to its PokeBall. He then took out another PokeBall, throwing it to make Snorlax materialize.

"Snorlax, use Giga Impact!" Y/n commanded. With surprising speed for its size, Snorlax charged forward, its fist glowing with radiant energy as it leaped into the air and punched down on Articuno. The impact caused an explosion, but Articuno stood firm.

Articuno narrowed its eyes and opened its beak, releasing a bright, concentrated beam of ice directly at Snorlax. The beam hit Snorlax, causing a thin layer of frost to form on its thick fur. Snorlax shuddered but stood firm, its thick blubber absorbing some of the impact.

"Snorlax use Body Slam!" Y/n yelled. Snorlax shook off the frost and jumped, about to land on Articuno, but the ice type dodged and grabbed onto Snorlax with its sharp talons, making Snorlax cry in pain.

Articuno flapped its large wings and lifted Snorlax into the air, shocking Y/n to his core. "Snorlax, use Hyper Beam!" he commanded. Snorlax charged a beam in its mouth and shot it, but due to its angle, it missed Articuno.

After reaching a certain height, Articuno let Snorlax go. The normal type dropped at incredible speeds towards the ground, making Y/n panic. "AH! SNORLAX, RETURN!" he yelled, trying to return Snorlax to its PokeBall, but Snorlax was falling too fast.


Snorlax landed with a loud bang, knocking itself out instantly. Y/n let out a sigh of relief. 'Thank Arceus Snorlax is so bulky, otherwise, I don't know what would've happened,' he thought as he called Snorlax back to its PokeBall.

'This is bad. He already knocked out two of my heavy hitters, and I barely touched him. I'm gonna need to break the rules a little if I want to survive this...' he thought, taking three Pokeballs from his belt and throwing them. Nidoking, Ninetales, and Golduck materialized.

"Nidoking, get in close with a Mega Punch! Ninetales and Golduck, support him from behind with Flamethrower and Hydro Pump!"

Nidoking's arm glowed as it charged forward, landing a solid punch on Articuno. The ground beneath them cracked, sending Articuno flying.

Golduck and Ninetales shot out their respective attacks, but Articuno quickly recovered and took to the sky, dodging the flames and high-pressure water.

Articuno then charged and shot another Ice Beam, freezing Nidoking, Golduck, and Ninetales instantly, making Y/n sweat.

'This is bad. I only have Ivysaur left, but he has a type disadvantage, so this could be bad,' Y/n thought as he took out his last PokeBall, throwing it to make Ivysaur materialize.

As Articuno prepared to unleash a devastating Ice Beam towards Y/n, Ivysaur leaped in front of its trainer, bracing for impact. The beam struck, kicking up a cloud of dust and ice shards.

When the dust settled, Ivysaur was gone. In its place stood a mighty Venusaur, its evolution complete. Y/n's eyes widened in amazement.

"Venusaur..." Y/n muttered, staring in awe at his partner Pokemon as he placed his hand on Venusaur's rough green skin. He snapped out of it, remembering the threat before them.

"Use Solar Beam!" Y/n commanded.

Venusaur's flower glowed with a brilliant light, absorbing energy from the sun before unleashing a powerful Solar Beam. The beam struck Articuno with immense force, pushing the legendary Pokemon back.

The battle raged on, each side giving their all. Articuno's icy blasts clashed with Venusaur's relentless attacks, the frozen island trembling under the force of their clash. Finally, with Articuno weakened, Y/n seized the opportunity.

"Ultra Ball, go!" he shouted, throwing the Ultra Ball with all his might.

The ball struck Articuno, drawing it inside in a burst of light. It wobbled on the ground, once, twice, and then clicked shut. Y/n held his breath as the ball settled, the red light fading.

"I... I caught Articuno," Y/n whispered in disbelief, a wide grin spreading across his face.

"WE CAUGHT ARTICUNO!" Y/n yelled, hugging his newly evolved partner Pokemon.

- to be continued

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