chapter 35: The battle between rivals

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Y/n's journey back to Pallet Town was filled with reflections on the adventures he'd shared with Ash, Misty, and Tracey. As the ferry approached the familiar shores of Kanto, Y/n felt a mix of excitement and anticipation. Stepping off the boat, he made his way straight to Professor Oak's lab, eager to report his progress and catch up with old friends.

The doors of the lab swung open to reveal the bustling space filled with Pokemon and research equipment. Professor Oak looked up from his desk, a warm smile spreading across his face as he saw Y/n.

"Y/n! Welcome back!" Professor Oak greeted, standing up to shake his hand. "How was your journey through the Orange Islands?"

"It was amazing, Professor. I learned a lot and caught some new Pokemon," Y/n replied, returning the handshake enthusiastically. "I also saw Ash win another badge for the Orange League."

"That's wonderful to hear," Professor Oak said, beaming. "I'm guessing you've brought the GS ball?"

"Huh? Oh crap, I forget." Y/n rubbed the back of his head sheepishly."Is Gary around? I'd like to challenge him to a match."

"Gary? He's right outside, training with his Pokemon," Professor Oak replied, gesturing towards the door leading to the backyard.

Y/n stepped outside, finding Gary in the midst of an intense training session with his Blastoise. Spotting Y/n, Gary smirked and waved him over.

"Hey, Y/n! Long time no see. Heard you’ve been busy in the Orange Islands," Gary called out, recalling Blastoise to its Poke Ball.

"Yeah, it's been quite the journey. I was hoping for a battle, Gary," Y/n said, his determination evident in his voice.

"Sounds like a plan. Let's see how much you've improved," Gary agreed, grabbing another Poke Ball from his belt. "I'm a busy man, how about a one-on-one battle?"

"You're on!" Y/n replied, taking his position opposite Gary on the makeshift battlefield.

"Blastoise, let's put our training to the test!"

Gary took the Poke Ball that he has in his hand and threw it out making Blastoise appear in a flash of light as it shoots out water from it's cannons.

"Blastoise? Huh? Then I'm going with Venusaur!"

Y/n took out a Poke Ball from his bag throwing it out into the air making Venusaur materialize in a white flash of light as it falls to the ground with a roar.

"Venusaur use razer leaf!"

Venusaur unleashed a flurry of razor-sharp leaves, slicing through the air towards Blastoise. The leaf-like blades struck the water type Pokemon with precision, causing it to stagger back in pain.

It's super effective.

"Blastoise let go with skull bash!"

Blastoise tucked its head in and charged forward with incredible speed, its hardened forehead slamming into Venusaur's head with a resounding thud. Venusaur was sent reeling from the impact.

"Use sludge bomb!"

Venusaur quickly recovered and launched a ball of toxic sludge from the flower on its back. The sludge splattered against Blastoise, but it retreated into its shell, minimizing the damage as the toxic substance rolled off its hard exterior. Emerging from its shell, Blastoise appeared largely unscathed.

"Blastoise, use bite!"

With jaws wide open, Blastoise lunged at Venusaur, teeth bared and ready to clamp down.

"Counter with power whip!"

Venusaur responded instantly, sprouting a thick vine that lashed out and struck Blastoise with tremendous force, sending the large turtle Pokemon sprawling to the ground.

It's super effective.

"Now use Hydro Cannon!"

Blastoise struggled to its feet and aimed its water cannons at Venusaur. With a mighty roar, it unleashed a powerful torrent of water. The force of the Hydro Cannon hit Venusaur squarely, drenching it and causing it to stagger under the relentless pressure of the water.

"Venusaur let's finish this with Soler beam!"

With a deep, rumbling growl, Venusaur focused all the accumulated power into a single, devastating beam of pure solar energy. The beam erupted from the center of its flower, a brilliant, blinding column of light that surged forward with unstoppable force. The ground trembled as the Solar Beam streaked towards its target, illuminating the battlefield with its radiant glow.

Blastoise had no time to react as the Solar Beam struck, engulfing it in a searing, overwhelming blast of energy. The sheer power of the attack was immense, creating a shockwave that rippled outwards, shaking the very ground beneath their feet. As the light began to fade, Blastoise was left staggered and weakened, struggling to regain its footing after the powerful hit.

It's super effective

Blastoise then falls to the ground fainting as Gary recalls it to it's Poke Ball with a click of his tounge.
"Guess we still have training to do, but don't think' our next battle will be so easy."

Y/n grinned. "Great, I'd expect nothing less Gary. I'm looking forward to our next match."

After that battle  Y/n made his way back into the lab. Professor Oak was waiting, an impressed look on his face.

"Well done, Y/n," Professor Oak said. "All of you have grown so much."

"Thanks, Professor," Y/n replied, catching his breath. "But their is still things I want to do, I need to catch up on some training room"

"That's the spirit, Y/n. If you're looking for a challenging place to train, I suggest heading to Mt. Silver. It's known for its rugged terrain and powerful wild Pokemon. It's a place where many seasoned trainers go to hone their skills."

Y/n's eyes lit up at the suggestion. "Mt. Silver, huh? That sounds perfect. Thanks for the advice, Professor. I'll head there next."

"Good luck, Y/n," Professor Oak said warmly. "And be sure to visit us again soon. We're always eager to hear about your adventures."

"I will, Professor," Y/n promised, feeling a renewed sense of purpose. "Thanks for everything."

With a final wave, Y/n left the lab, his mind already focused on the challenges that lay ahead at Mt. Silver. He knew the journey would be tough, but he was ready for whatever awaited him. After all, every step brought him closer to becoming the best Pokemon trainer he could be.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20 ⏰

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