chapter 11: the battle of the minds!

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As Y/n made his way through Route 7, the landscape stretched out before him in a vast expanse of flatlands. The ground was covered with sparse grass, creating a patchwork of green against the rich, brown soil. Here and there, a few trees dotted the terrain, their leaves rustling gently in the breeze. The air was filled with the scent of wildflowers, and the distant call of a Pidgey echoed through the open space.

"EEEEEHH!! Help us!" Y/n heard a feminine voice yell out as he turns around to see two girls running away from a wild rampaging Snorlax."Someone, please help!"

"Crap, Fearow, Ivysaur go!" Yelled Y/n as he threw out a two PokeBalls making Fearow and Ivysaur materialize on the battle field in front of him

"Fearow get them out of the way, Ivysaur charge up a Soler beam!" Commanded Y/n as Fearow speedily flew towards the girls picking them up while dodging a mega punch from the Snorlax and flew back to
Y/n's side.

"Now fire Soler beam!"

Ivysaur then shot a powerful beam of Soler energy hitting Snorlax sending him flying back a few feet but the normal type quickly recovers and charges energy in his mouth.

"Fearow, protect the girls!" Yelled Y/n as Snorlax shot a hyper beam from his mouth as the trainer and his two pokemon dodge out of the way.

"Ivysaur hold him with vine whip!"

Ivysaur shot out vines from his bulb holding the Snorlax in place as Y/n takes out an ultra ball.

"You're mine!" Y/n threw the ultra ball sucking in the Snorlax as the ultra ball falls to the floor and begins to wiggle and shake and after a few seconds a satisfying bing can be heard signaling that Snorlax was caught.

"OOO♡ You must be the famous Y/n!!" Yelled one of the girls with heart eyes as she got a little to close for comfort making Y/n sweat drop.

"We heard there would be a famous trainer here, but we never dreamed we'd actually meet him♡!" Said the other girl with heart eyes.

Y/n took a step back, trying to maintain his composure as the girls practically crowded him. "Uh, t-thanks," he stammerd, scratching the back of his head awkwardly. "Just doing what any trainer would do."

The first girl had long blonde hair with blue eyes wearing simple simple pink dress the second girl had long straight black hair reaching her lower back and was wearing a blue dress.

The first girl, still with heart eyes, giggled. "I'm Lila, and this is my friend, Mia. We're from Saffron City. Are you headed that way?"

Y/n nodded. "Uh, Yeah, I am."

Mia clapped her hands together. "Oh, you should totally come with us! We know the best places to eat and where you can get your Pokemon healed quickly."

"That sounds great, Thanks." Y/n replied, grateful for the for the girls help.

As they continued walking together, the girls chatted excitedly about all the sights and attractions in Saffron City. Y/n listened attentively to what they .

After a while, the path began to widen, and they could see the towering buildings of Saffron City in the distance. The hustle and bustle of the city were a stark contrast to the peaceful Route 7 they had just traversed.

As they entered Celadon City, Y/n marveled at the bustling streets, the colorful storefronts, and the sheer energy of the place.

As Y/n, Lila, and Mia entered Saffron City, the vibrant atmosphere enveloped them. The city was alive with the sounds of bustling traffic, chattering people, and the distant cries of Pokemon. Skyscrapers towered above them, and neon signs flickered with advertisements for various Pokrmon-related services.

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