chapter 21: The preliminaries!

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At the Indigo Plato's pokemon center Ash can be seen talking to Nur joy with Brock swooning over her.

"Alright then, it'll take about half an hour." Said nurce joy,"Thank you nurce joy." Thanked ash when suddenly a girl that looks to be in a hurry accidentally dumps into ash.

"I'm sorry!" She shouted,"it's alright." Replied Ash as the girl ran towards the area where the battle fields where yelling,"My match!"

At a nearby phone Rin can be seen calling a older looking girl.

"So how are things going?" Asked the girl over the phone,"with what?"

"With that Y/n guy you won't stop talking about? You said you were with him the entire time on the SS Anne." Said the older girl.

"I told you he's just a friend! We were just hanging out!!" Yelled Rin making the girl over the phones smile grow even wider.

"Oh really? Sounds suspicious." Said the girl with a smirk,"What's that su- never mind I'm busy, so bye!" Said Rin

"Okay good like with you're match, call me when you're done!" Said the girl as Rin hung up.

"Together the whole time!?" Asked Misty as she appeared behind Rin with Togepi in her arms.

"Wa!" Jumped Rin shocked at the water type specialist.

"I never thought you two were in that kinda relationship you must've done thing likes that~" said misty as she close her eyes fantasizing about something.

"It's a huge misunderstanding!! What are you day- dreaming about!?" Yelled Rin with a blush on her face.

"Eh-? Then nothing happened? That's boring." Said Misty a little disappointed.

"We barely even knew each other back then." Said Rin with a sigh.
"Hmm... So what really happened?"

"I just told you nothing happened!" Yelled Rin as Brock and Ash walked up to them,"What's all the yelling about?" Asked Brock.

"Y/n and Rin are-" Misty started but Rin covered her mouth with her hand,"nothing! We should go to Y/n's match!" She said.

"Yeah you're right let's go." Said Brock as the group made there way to the block Y/n was battling.

Battle field number 13

The group ran towards the battle field to see the battle already happening with each side only having two pokemon left.

Y/n and A.J. are in a stand off as their pokemon AJ.'s Electricbuzz and Y/n's Nidoking stood glearing at each other.

"Nidoking use Earthquake!" Shouted Y/n as Nidoking let out a mighty roar stomping in the ground making it shake as rocky spikes shoot out hitting Electebuzz for super effective Damage sending it back a few feet.

"Electabuzz, close the distance and use Low Kick!!

Electabuzz darted forward and swiftly sweeps Nidoking's legs out from under him with a powerful kick. Nidoking crashes to the ground,"Now mega kick!"

Electebuzz raised it's foot above Nidoking as it's starts to glow a white energy before stomping on the poison/ ground type destroying the ground under them making Nidoking cough up blood.

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