chapter 10: the girl in a flower kimono!

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As the sun cast its warm rays over the bustling streets of Celadon City, Y/n stood before the grand entrance of the Celadon Gym. With three badges already secured in his journey, he was more confident than ever to take on the Gym Leader, Erika, and claim his fourth badge.

Y/n took a deep breath, mentally preparing himself for the battle ahead. He had studied Erika's tactics, knew her team's strengths and weaknesses, and had devised a strategy to counter them. With a resolute nod, he pushed open the doors and stepped into the Gym.

The interior was a lush, vibrant oasis, with exotic plants and flowers surrounding the battlefield.
As soon as Y/n entered the Gym multiple girls spotted him,"hey! You're that trainer I saw battle at girl the other day, in the street!" Said one of the girls while pointing at Y/n,"huh? Yeah that's me."

"You're Y/n right? You've made quite the reputation for yourself," Y/n heard someone say from behind him as he turns around to see Erika, resplendent in her elegant attire, greeted Y/n with a warm smile. "Welcome. I've been expecting you."

"Really? I have a reputation?" Asked Y/n,"Indeed you do, Welcome to my Gym, I'm won't be able to battle at the moment, I first have something I need to attend to, I'm truly sorry." Apologized Erika.
"It's no worries, I can wait." Said Y/n understanding

A short time Skip later the girls all sat on theirs knees with Y/n standing behind them crying his eyes out as Erika stood before them all holding a picture while telling a story.

"And so Ominete never betrayed his family to the very end. The end" said Erika finishing the story.
"So Y/n, what do you think?"

"It's... Enough... To make... A grown man cry!" Said
Y/n in between sobs making the girls laugh,"Well thank you for your patience, we can have our battle now."Said Erika making Y/n wipe away his tears and smile at her,"alright, let's do this!"

The two stood opposite each other on the battle field as the girls that listened to the story now watching with anticipation.

"Alright I want a nice and clean battle, each side will use 2 pokemon, when one side has no pokemon able to battle they lose." Said the ref making Y/n and Erika nod.

"Tangela go!" Yelled Erika as she threw out her PokeBall releasing Tangela.

"Beedrill come out!" Yelled Y/n as he threw Beedrill's PokeBall making the bug type materialize.

"Trainers, are you ready? Let the battle begin!" Yelled the ref as Erika is the one to kick off the battle.

"Tangela, use Vine Whip!"

Tangela's vines lash out towards Beedrill with lightning speed, but Y/n was prepared for this,

"Beedrill, dodge and use Poison Jab!"

Beedrill deftly evades the vines and darts in close, its stingers glowing with a purple hue. It strikes Tangela, causing a burst of purple sparks.

It's super effective.

"Tangela, use Stun Spore!"

Tangela shakes its body, releasing a cloud of golden spores towards Beedrill.

"Beedrill, use Agility to escape!"

Beedrill speeds up, zigzagging through the air to avoid the spores. It moves so quickly that it becomes a blur.

"Tangela, use Ancient Power!"

Tangela's eyes glow as it summons rocks from the ground and hurls them at Beedrill

"Beedrill, counter with furry attack!"

Beedrill charges forward, its stingers rapidly striking the incoming rocks, shattering them mid-air. The debris falls harmlessly around Beedrill.

"Tangela, let's go with Mega Drain!"

Tangela extends its vines again, this time glowing green, as it attempts to drain Beedrill's energy.

"Beedrill, use X-Scissor!"

Beedrill crosses its stingers and slashes through the vines with a powerful X-Scissor, cutting off the energy drain.

"Tangela, use Sleep Powder!"

Tangela releases a fine powder towards Beedrill, aiming to put it to sleep.

"Beedrill, finish this with Drill run!"

Beedrill spins rapidly, transforming into a glowing drill as it charges through the Sleep Powder, dispersing it harmlessly. It collides with Tangela with immense force.

Tangela is knocked back, struggling to regain its balance, but ultimately faints,"You did well Tangela, return." Said Erika as she calls Tangela back to it's PokeBall.

"Beedrill you too, return." Said Y/n as he also returns Beedrill back to it's PokeBall attaching it to his belt and taking another one.

"Vileplume I choose you." Said Erika as she threw out a PokeBall making Vileplume materialize with a smile,"Nintales go!" Yelled Y/n as he threw out a PokeBall making Nintales materialize.

"Vileplume, use Stun Spore!"

Vileplume releases a cloud of golden spores, aiming to paralyze Ninetales,

"Ninetales, use Flamethrower!"

Ninetales inhales deeply and unleashes a torrent of flames, incinerating the spores before they can reach it.

"Vileplume, use Sludge Bomb!"

Vileplume conjures a ball of toxic sludge and hurls it towards Ninetales.

"Ninetales, dodge and use Confusion!"

Ninetales swiftly evades the Sludge Bomb and its eyes glow eerily, sending out hypnotic waves towards Vileplume.

It's super effective.

"Vileplume, try to use Moonblast!"Despite its confusion, Vileplume gathers energy and fires a dazzling beam of lunar light towards the fire type.

"Ninetales, dodge and use quick attack!"

Ninetales body glows a white light as it vanishes and reappears infront of Vileplume, ramming her body into the grass type sending it flying across the battle field.

"Vileplume, use Giga Drain!"

Vileplume shakes off its confusion just enough to send out tendrils of green energy towards Ninetales, attempting to drain its life force

"Ninetales, use Will-O-Wisp!"

Ninetales releases ghostly blue flames that intercept the tendrils, burning them away and reducing the effectiveness of Giga Drain.

"Vileplume, let's go with Petal Dance!"

Vileplume begins to spin, releasing a storm of razor-sharp petals that whirl towards Ninetales.

"Ninetales, finish it with Flamethrower!"

Ninetales focuses and releases a massive, fiery torrent of flames that engulfs the Petal Dance and heads straight for Vileplume.

Vileplume being overwhelmed by the intense flames and gets knocked out and falls to the ground.

"Vileplume return." Said Erika recalling the grass type back to it's PokeBall with a gentle smile on her face,"I must admit I'm quit surprised at the power of you're pokemon, and as proof of besting me battle here have this-" Erika gives Y/n her badge,"It's the rainbow badge."

"Thank you very much." Thanked Y/n as he bowed respectfully making Erika smile,"You're a strong trainer, I wish you luck on the quest to obtain 8 badges."

"Thanks, see you around Erika!" Said Y/n as he waved goodbye leaving the grass type gym.

- to be continued

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