chapter 31: The mysterious PokeBall

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As the group were making their way to Valencia Island to bring back a mysterious PokeBall for Professor Oak, they stop at the local convinent store to pick up surplice

"Look at all that ocean, look at all that sand. And think of all those pretty girls." Said Brock as he read a guide book about Valencia island and laughed to himself making Y/n sweatdrop,"Well, now we have to figure out how to get to Valencia Island." Said Brock

"I don't care how we get there as long as we get there fast. I want as much time in the sun as possible. I gotta work on my tan!" Said Misty as she sat on a bench outside of the store, they were currently waiting for Ash to get back.

"That won't be a problem, I can easily buy us tickets with the prize money from the league." Said Y/n as he leaned against the wall of the store.

The doors to the stores then open as Ash carrying a large paper bag while Pikachu held onto another bag as he sat on Ash's shoulder both struggling to hold the bags,"Okay, we're all set!"

"I'm pretty sure I got enough snacks and stuff to last us at least a couple of weeks!" Said Ash

"A couple of weeks? How long is it gonna take us to get to this place?" Asked Misty making Y/n think,
"If we have to walk I think about a month or so!"

"Ash... Valencia island is an island, in the ocean.
How are you gonna walk their?" Asked Y/n giving Ash a weird look.

"The guidebook says if you go by air" said Brock as he shows them the book that has pictures of multiple air crafts like planes, private jest and blimps,"it takes less than a day!"

"Less than a day? I wish we had enough money to for that.Don't you, Pikachu?" Asked Ash making Y/n face palm,"I have enough money to buy 4 plane tickets,"

"Really? That's awesome, Y/n!" said Ash, his eyes lighting up with excitement.

"No problem. Let's head to the airport and catch a flight to Valencia Island." Said Y/n with a grin

As they made their way to the nearest airport, the group chatted excitedly about what they might find on Valencia Island. Brock continued to read aloud from his guidebook, sharing interesting facts about the island's flora and fauna.

When they arrived at the airport, Y/n quickly bought the tickets, and soon they were all seated comfortably on a plane bound for Valencia Island. As the plane took off, the group gazed out the window at the vast ocean below, their excitement growing with each passing minute.

"This is so cool!," said Ash, his face pressed against the window with stars in his eyes.

"Yeah, I can't wait to catch new Pokemon," Y/n agreed, with a smile.

As the plane soared through the sky, the group settled in for the short journey, later outside the airport the group stood as the sun was high in the sky.

"It sure is hot," complained Ash as he wiped sweat from his brow. The sun blazed overhead, casting shimmering heat waves off the sand.

"What are you talking about, Ash? The weather's perfect," said Misty, taking in a deep breath and reveling in the salty sea breeze. Her eyes sparkled as she scanned the picturesque beach, her fiery hair catching the sunlight.

"This place is beautiful," Y/n remarked, his gaze sweeping over the pristine shoreline. He noted the gentle waves lapping at the shore, the crystal-clear water glistening under the midday sun. As he looked closer, he spotted a cute, playful Pokemon meandering along the water's edge, its reflection dancing on the surface.

"Hey what's that?" Asked Y/n as he took out his Pokedex and scanned the pokemon that stood infront of him.

The Pokedex beeped to life as it showed a picture of the Pokemon,"Wooper, the water fish pokemon, a water and ground, This pokemon lives in cold water. It will leave the water to search for food when it gets cold outside." Reported Dexter as Y/n took out a PokeBall,"Alright then wooper, you're coming with me!"

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