chapter 27: The Ghost queen

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"Your Pokemon are healed. Thank you for your patience. Please come again!" said Nurse Joy as she handed Y/n his PokeBalls. After retrieving his Pokemon from the Pokemon Center, Y/n made his way to the stadium. The sun hung high in the sky, casting long shadows over the grand structure. His heart pounded with a mixture of anticipation and excitement. He knew that facing Agatha would be no easy task, but he was ready.

As Y/n approached the stadium entrance, he spotted Agatha standing near the entrance. The elderly member of the Elite Four exuded a quiet confidence, her eyes sharp and discerning. She noticed Y/n and offered a nod of acknowledgment.

"So, you're the one who defeated Lorelei," Agatha said, her voice carrying a hint of amusement. "You know, you remind me of someone I met a long time ago."

Y/n smiled, intrigued by Agatha's comment. "Really? Who was that?" he asked, genuinely curious.

Agatha's eyes gleamed with nostalgia. "He was a young trainer, quite handsome actually, and the strongest trainer I had ever seen. Unfortunately, I never got his name, but the battle he had against me and Samuel is something I still remember to this day."

"Really? I remind you of that person?" Y/n asked, his interest piqued.

"Yes," Agatha continued. "You have that same fire in your eyes. It's a rare quality."

Y/n felt a sense of pride at the comparison. "Thank you, Mrs Agatha. That means a lot coming from someone like you."

Agatha chuckled softly. "Don't let it go to your head. I may be old, but I'm still a formidable opponent. Are you ready to face me?"

Y/n's expression turned serious, but his eyes sparkled with determination. "Absolutely. I've been preparing for this moment for a long time."

With a nod, Agatha turned and led the way into the stadium. The stands were packed with spectators, their cheers and applause echoing through the arena. The atmosphere was electric, and Y/n could feel the anticipation in the air.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it's time for the next battle in the tournament!" the announcer's voice boomed over the speakers. "On one side, we have Y/n, the rising star who has already defeated one member of the Elite Four! And on the other, we have Agatha, the Queen of Ghost-type Pokemon!"

The crowd erupted in cheers as Y/n and Agatha took their places on the battlefield. The referee raised his flags, signaling the start of the match.


Agatha wasted no time, sending out her first Pokemon. "Go, Gengar!" The shadowy figure grinned wickedly, its eyes gleaming with mischief.

Y/n quickly assessed the situation and reached for one of his PokeBalls. "Go, Nidoking!" he shouted, releasing the Ground and Poison-type Pokemon onto the field.

"Arbok, use Glare!" Agatha commanded. Arbok's eyes glowed with a sinister light, attempting to paralyze Nidoking with its gaze.

"Nidoking, close your eyes and use Earthquake!" Y/n countered. Nidoking squeezed its eyes shut and stomped the ground with tremendous force, causing the battlefield to tremble violently. The ground beneath Arbok cracked, sending the serpent flying into the air.

"An incredible start by Nidoking! That Earthquake really shook things up!" the announcer shouted.

"Arbok, recover and use Acid!" Agatha ordered. Arbok regained its composure mid-air and sprayed a stream of corrosive acid toward Nidoking.

"Dodge it and use Thunder Punch!" Y/n commanded.

Nidoking deftly sidestepped the acid attack and charged at Arbok, its fist crackling with electricity. The punch landed with a resounding impact, sending Arbok reeling.

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