Chapter 18 : Cousin's worries

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"Sena? What are you talking about? How do you know her name?" Jungwon answered anxiously and confused.

"I know it because I've heard it before."

"What? How? Wait, but what do you want to know about her?"

"Relax Jungwon, it's just that I found out he was your friend and I think a guy want to do something bad to her."

"How? Who?"

"I don't know either sorry."

"But how do you know that? I don't understand... "

"Okay, last time, when I brought your bike back. He was collapsed but he was starting to wake up. And I've heard him saying such things like he want to kill her , and you too. I thought he was jocking. But now , when I'm thinking about that, I'm not sure anymore."


"I met him with some friends of him, he was talking about a project, or a plan as a kind of an ambush, or something like that."

"Okay, I understand... I'm not even surprised coming from him. Thank you for telling me. I'll be more careful." He suddenly felt more worried, and anxious, thinking about Sena.

"But Jungwon, wait. I have another question." He cut him off.

"Yes. Tell me."

"Do you like her?"

"Euh, what?" His eyes widened at the sudden question. He never thought about it before.

"You clearly understand what I asked you . Do you love her? Do you have feelings for her?" He repeated again.

"Hmm , I didn't thought about it before. I don't know. I like being with her. I think she's very beautiful, smart, and lovely, and sometimes cute. But I think she's just my friend. The only one I have... "

"I don't think so. You've never seen yourself attracted to her?"

"No, of cour-, wait I think so, maybe?"


"Last day, I don't know why, but I felt very worried about her, and I even started to cry. And finally, without reasons, we've kissed. But we promised to forget about it. I didn't want to tell you.... "

"What? You two, guys, have kissed ? Oh my, Jungwon! You're clearly in love." he was laughing over the phone.

"No! It was just a mistake. I promised myself to protect her as a friend." He answered

"Think about it Jungwon."

"What are you talking about? I told you, there is nothing between us. It was a mistake! "

"The things you felt, are certainly not something felt toward a friend. You should think of it."

"But even if I'll realize I like her, nothing will change. She thinks of me as her friend. Nothing more. "

"Are you sure about it? In fact, the two of you kissed, not only you... " Jungwon stopped and thought for a moment.

"Yes. No. I don't know. But I don't want to try."

"Maybe you should be more confident. Think of your feelings, and hers."

"And?" Jungwon asked totally confused.

"If you realize that you like her more than a friend, you should tell her. Even if you are scared, because you'll hurt yourself, and maybe her too. "

"And if she doesn't think of me more than a friend?"

"I don't know what will happen then. But if you don't try, you would never know... "

"I'll lost her. And I don't want it."

"Maybe you're right. But maybe not. Come on, Jungwon. Think about it. Then, I'm hanging up." 

Jungwon was walking. But after the call, he stopped and sat on a bench, along the avenue. He started to think of what was happening in his heart. What  was happening in his mind.

Do I love her? Or not? What should I do?



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