Chapter 31: Why?

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His bracelet.


She fell on the ground, knees on the ground. Her heart hurt so much. She felt detroyed. She felt that everything was detroyed. All her dreams.
She cried, and cried, for minutes. She shouted his name. Calling for help. Calling for someone who can tell her that it was a nightmare, only a nightmare. Or telling her that it was a prank, a joke. She wanted to wake up.
She wanted to wake up from this horrible nightmare, from this fake reality. But she couldn't.
It was real. Everything was real. She couldn't stop crying.

Suddenly, his cousin touched her shoulder gently.
She turned around, trying to wipe her tears.

"I'm sorry Sena." He said, lowering his gaze

"Who are you?" She said, with a weak voice.

"I'm his cousin. He told me he was going here."


"What?" He looked at her confused.

"Why him? Why here? Why now? Why everything goes wrong?"

"I'm sorry..." he couldn't tell her anything to confort her. He didn't know what to do, apart from 'sorry'.

He left her. He let her cry as much as she wanted.

"Is he alive?" She asked.

He stopped, and turned around, looking at her. Knees on the ground.

"I don't know ... "

She cried again. Put her hands on her face, covering her cheeks, and her tears from the people looking at her confused. She felt that her heart was detroyed by the situation. She couldn't realise it at that moment.

She was beginning to breathe more heavily. As if she couldn't control her breathing. She was anxious, and stressed. She panicked. She tried to breathe more slowly, but she couldn't.

Someone saw her struggling with her breathing and called the doctors that were in the place. They ran towards her, but before they get to her, she passed out.


She woke up on a hospital bed. She looked around her, trying to understand where she was, and why she was there.
She tried to remember what happened. It was hard, and hurtful trying to bring memories to the surface.
And after a few seconds of struggling with her memories, she remembered. A tear rolled down her cheeks.

She couldn't wait any longer. She stood up quickly and went towards the hallway, trying to find a nurse who would tell her the way of Jungwon's room.

"Where is Yang Jungwon?" She grabbed someone's blouse.

"Who?" The nurse looked at her suprised and confused.

"Yang Jungwon. He was hurt yesterday after a fight in the park. He has to be somewhere in this hopsital. Where is he?"

"I don't know... what is his name again?"

"Yang Jungwon!" she shouted, annoyed that the nurse didn't give her the way.

"Him? It wasn't yesterday..."

"What?" She removed her hands from the blouse .

"It was last week. He's not in the hospital now."

"Where is he then? He's already out?" She asked a hint of relief in her voice.

"I don't think so miss..."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm sorry..."

"What? What are talking about!?" she shouted, understanding the meaning of her words, crying at the same time.

"He's no longer alive... "

Her eyes widened by surprise, confusion and sadness.

Tears rolled and rolled down her cheeks, her breathe becoming heavier.

"What? It's not possible. He is here." she tried to run looking for him in every rooms.

The nurse chased her, and when she caught her, Sena fell on the floor and cried. She was broken. She was hurting inside.
She was bleeding inside.

"Why?... why are you dead?" She shouted.


After a week at the hospital, spending her days crying , trying to understand the situation. But she remained in denial. She didn't want to believe it. She believed that when she'll go out, he would be there waiting for her in front of the gate,  like he used to do at school.

When she arrived at home, followed by her mother. She sat on the couch.
She didn't talk, even to her mother. She didn't want to talk with anyone, if it wasn't Jungwon.

"Sena?" Her mother said.

No answer.

"Sena, please listen to me."

No answer. Her mother sighed heavily, but she didn't want to force her to talk.

"Okay. If you don't want to answer me, it's okay. But just listen to what I have to say to you. I know it hurts. I know it hurts a lot. But you have to be strong. I'm sure he would want you to smile, and laugh like you used to do when you were with him. The guys that beat him are going in jail for at the very least 15 years. They won't bother you again."

"I prefer that they bothered me, than him. I prefer they hit me, hurt me, destroyed me, and killed me that they did what they have done to Jungwon. They shouldn't do that. He was so kind to me , he always wanted to protect me. And I didn't do anything for him..." She replied in tears.

"Don't say that. It's wrong. You gave him so much. You were something precious for him. He wanted you to smile and laugh, not to blame yourself. I know it's hard, it hurts, it's difficult too. But please, don't blame yourself. It's not your fault. "

She didn't answer but cry.

"And I have something to tell you."

She looked at her mother confused, while crying.

"When we planned your birthday together, he gave me an old camera that he wanted me to give you when he would leave the party. But last time, I didn't do it, beecause he had to come back. So I was going to wait for him. I'm sorry. I'm sorry that it happened on your birthday. No. I'm sorry that it happened anyway. I'm so sorry. I should have protected both of you."

"Don't blame yourself too. You didn't do anything wrong. But what do you mean by a camera? "

She looked for something in her purse, and gave it to Sena.

"Take it. Look what's inside. I didn't watch it. I don't know why he wanted to give it you. But I'm sure it's important for him."


She went up the stairs, and locked her room's door. She opened the old camera, and turned it on. It was very old, it made some strange noises, that illustrated how old it was.
She opened the memory of the camera, and many videos appeared, recent videos.

She choose the older one.

"Is it working? Yes, I think it's working. Hi, I'm Jungwon!"



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