Part 1

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Arrival at Platform 9 3/4

The bustling platform of 9 3/4 was filled with the excited chatter of students and the last-minute goodbyes of parents. Steam from the Hogwarts Express swirled in the air, creating an almost magical haze as students hurried to load their trunks and find their friends.

Belladonna Nightshade stepped through the barrier with her usual grace, her long, midnight-black hair flowing behind her. She held her head high, her piercing violet eyes scanning the crowd with a mixture of curiosity and indifference. Her pale skin seemed to almost glow in the morning light, setting her apart from the throng of students. Beside her, a house-elf struggled with her trunk, a task she supervised with a critical eye.

At the same moment, Draco Malfoy strode through the barrier with his parents, his platinum blond hair gleaming in the sunlight. His mother, Narcissa, was fussing over his robes, while his father, Lucius, gave him a stern nod of approval. Draco's gray eyes swept the platform, narrowing slightly as they landed on Belladonna.

The two locked eyes, a spark of mutual disdain and unspoken tension crackling between them. Belladonna's lips curled into a faint, mocking smile, while Draco's expression hardened, his jaw tightening.

Draco's eyes flashed with irritation, but he forced a smirk, unwilling to let Belladonna see how much she got under his skin. "Enjoy it while you can, Nightshade. This year will be different. Everyone will see who you really are."

Belladonna stepped closer, her voice dropping to a low, dangerous whisper. "Oh, is that so? And who is that?" she hissed.

"A bratty little girl," he glared at her, his eyes looking her up and down with disdain.

Belladonna's face flushed with anger, her hand twitching at her side, ready to strike him. Just as she raised her arm, a firm grip caught her wrist. Pansy Parkinson had stepped in, her expression a mix of smugness and caution.

"Now, now, Nightshade," Pansy cooed mockingly, holding Belladonna's wrist tightly. "Violence isn't the answer, is it?"

Belladonna yanked her arm free, glaring at Pansy before turning her fiery gaze back to Draco. "You think you're so clever, Malfoy. But mark my words, you'll regret crossing me."

Draco's smirk widened, pleased to see her so riled up. "We'll see about that, won't we?"

Belladonna took a deep breath, forcing herself to calm down. She wasn't about to let Draco or Pansy get the better of her. With one last withering look, she spun on her heel and walked away, her robes billowing behind her.

Pansy leaned closer to Draco, a sly smile on her face. "Looks like you've really gotten under her skin this time."

Draco nodded, satisfaction gleaming in his eyes. "Good. It's about time someone put her in her place."

As Belladonna boarded the train, she felt the eyes of several students on her, whispering about the confrontation they had just witnessed. She ignored them, focusing on finding her friends. She wouldn't let Draco Malfoy ruin her year. She had bigger plans, and no one, especially not him, would stand in her way.

Meanwhile, Draco and Pansy found their compartment, where Blaise Zabini was already lounging with a book. He looked up as they entered, raising an eyebrow at Draco. "Another run-in with Nightshade?"

Draco shrugged nonchalantly, though his eyes still held a glint of triumph. "Just reminding her where she stands."

Blaise chuckled, shaking his head. "Be careful, Draco. She's not one to back down easily."

Draco leaned back in his seat, his confidence unwavering. "Neither am I."

As the Hogwarts Express began to pull away from the station, the rivalry between Belladonna Nightshade and Draco Malfoy simmered, ready to erupt at any moment. The year ahead promised to be one filled with challenges, tension, and perhaps something neither of them quite expected.

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