Part 2

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The Slytherin common room was a sanctuary of green and silver, its atmosphere both regal and ominous.

The dim lighting from the green-tinted lanterns cast eerie shadows on the stone walls, which were adorned with tapestries depicting serpents and historic scenes from the house's illustrious past.

The room buzzed with the quiet murmur of students engaged in evening studies and relaxed conversations, punctuated occasionally by the crackling of the large fireplace.

Belladonna sat near the fire, surrounded by her friends. They had been discussing their plans for the upcoming year, their voices low and conspiratorial. The warmth of the fire did little to ease the lingering tension she felt from her earlier encounters.

Suddenly, the conversation was interrupted by the sound of the common room door swinging open. Draco Malfoy strode in, his platinum blond hair gleaming in the low light, his gray eyes scanning the room until they landed on Belladonna. A smirk spread across his face as he made his way over to her, flanked by Pansy Parkinson and Blaise Zabini.

"Well, well, Nightshade," Draco drawled, his voice dripping with mockery. "I hear you got scolded like a little child by Snape. Couldn't help but overhear your little dressing down."

Belladonna's eyes narrowed, her anger flaring. "Eavesdropping, Malfoy? How typical of you. It's none of your business."

Draco's smirk widened as he leaned against the armchair opposite her, looking entirely too pleased with himself. "It's very much my business when it concerns a fellow Slytherin making a fool of herself. Walking to the castle like some first-year who missed the train? Pathetic."

Desdemona Avery stood up, her green eyes flashing with anger. "Back off, Draco. Belladonna doesn't need to explain herself to you."

Pansy stepped forward, sneering. "Oh, look, her little friends are defending her. How sweet."

Belladonna rose to her feet, meeting Draco's gaze head-on. "I'd rather be scolded for standing my ground than be a little worm who hides behind his family name. You can mock me all you want, but it won't change the fact that you're threatened by anyone who dares to challenge you. An insecure little prick. Trying to make up for something?"

The insinuation hung in the air, and a few gasps and snickers echoed around the room. Draco's face flushed with rage, his fists clenching at his sides. His eyes blazed with fury as he took a step closer to her.

"You've crossed a line, Nightshade," Draco hissed, his voice low and dangerous. "You're going to regret that."

Belladonna smirked, unfazed. "Is that a threat, Malfoy? Or just more empty words from a spoiled brat?"

Without warning, Draco drew his wand, and Belladonna's hand instinctively went to hers. In an instant, they were both brandishing their wands, the tension in the room ratcheting up to an almost unbearable level.

"Expelliarmus!" Draco snarled, but Belladonna was quicker, deflecting his spell with a swift flick of her wand.

"Petrificus Totalus!" she countered, but Draco dodged, the spell narrowly missing him.

Their friends watched in shock, the common room filled with the sound of spells being cast and deflected. A younger student, eyes wide with fear, bolted from the room to find help.

"You're just proving how unstable you are, Malfoy!" Belladonna shouted, her voice shaking with anger. "Is this all you can do? Throw tantrums when things don't go your way?"

Draco's face contorted with rage. "You think you're so much better, Nightshade? You're nothing but a—"

"ENOUGH!" A booming voice cut through the chaos, and suddenly, Professor Snape was there, his face twisted with fury. He flicked his wand, and both Belladonna and Draco's wands flew from their hands, clattering to the floor.

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