Part 6

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The next day, Belladonna woke up early, her mind buzzing with anticipation. She carefully adjusted her Hogwarts uniform, ensuring every detail was perfect. Then, with a sly smile, she hiked her skirt up just enough to draw attention but still within the bounds of propriety. Today, she had a mission.

As she entered the Great Hall for breakfast, she spotted Harry sitting at the Gryffindor table. She made her way over, her steps confident and purposeful. Harry looked up, surprised but pleased to see her.

"Good morning, Harry," Belladonna greeted warmly, taking a seat beside him.

Harry smiled. "Morning, Bella. What brings you over to Gryffindor territory?"

Belladonna leaned in slightly, her voice playful. "I thought I'd start my day with some civil company for once. Besides, I wanted to go over some notes with you before class."

Unbeknownst to them, Draco had just entered the Great Hall. His eyes immediately locked onto Belladonna sitting with Harry, their close proximity and easy conversation making his blood boil. He sat down at the Slytherin table, his jaw clenched and his eyes never leaving them.

Belladonna glanced up, noticing Draco's intense gaze from across the room. She gave Harry a bright smile, deliberately leaning closer as they chatted. "So, Harry, are you ready for our study session in the library tonight?"

Harry nodded eagerly. "Absolutely. I could use all the help I can get."

Belladonna laughed lightly, her fingers brushing Harry's arm. "I'm sure you'll do just fine. You're a quick learner."

Draco's grip on his fork tightened, his knuckles turning white. He couldn't tear his eyes away from them, his jealousy and frustration mounting with each passing second.

Later that morning, during Defense Against the Dark Arts, Belladonna made sure to partner with Harry for their practical exercises. She was attentive and encouraging, her touches lingering a bit longer than necessary. Each time Draco glanced their way, he saw Belladonna laughing and smiling with Harry, her attention completely focused on him.

At one point, Harry successfully cast a complicated spell, and Belladonna clapped her hands in delight. "Well done, Harry! That was great!"

Harry grinned, clearly pleased. "Thanks, Bella."

Belladonna smiled, her hand resting on his shoulder. "Anytime, Harry."

Draco, watching from a few desks away, felt a surge of anger. He muttered a curse under his breath, his eyes dark with jealousy. He couldn't stand seeing Belladonna so close to Harry, so openly affectionate.

During lunch, Belladonna and Harry decided to take a walk in the courtyard. They found a sunny spot under a large oak tree, sitting down on the grass to enjoy their break. Belladonna leaned against the tree, her legs stretched out in front of her, looking completely at ease.

"So, Harry, tell me more about your summer break. Do anything interesting?," Belladonna said, her tone genuinely curious.

Harry launched into a description of his summer, and Belladonna listened intently, laughing at his anecdotes and asking questions. Her laughter was like music, carrying across the courtyard.

Draco, who had been watching from a distance, felt his jealousy morph into a burning rage. He couldn't focus on anything else, his mind consumed by the sight of Belladonna and Harry together. He finally couldn't take it anymore and decided to confront them.

Draco marched over to where Belladonna and Harry were sitting, his expression thunderous. "Potter, don't you have anything better to do than monopolize Belladonna's time?"

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