Part 16

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 Belladonna's Room, Early Evening

Belladonna stood in front of the full-length mirror in her room, her hands trembling slightly as she adjusted the pale pink gown with intricate floral embroidery. The dress was beautiful, perfectly complementing her pale skin, violet eyes, and dark hair, but the weight of the evening ahead made her stomach churn with nerves.

She took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. The masquerade ball at Malfoy Manor was a significant event, filled with influential wizards and witches. The thought of mingling with aristocrats, maintaining her poise, and not making a fool of herself was overwhelming.

As she fastened the delicate clasp of a necklace Draco had given her, there was a knock on the door. "Come in," she called, her voice a bit shaky.

Draco entered, looking dashing in his formal attire. His eyes lit up when he saw her. "Bella, you look absolutely stunning."

Belladonna managed a small smile. "Thank you, Draco. You look quite handsome yourself."

He walked over to her, sensing her anxiety. "Are you alright? You seem nervous."

She sighed, turning back to the mirror. "I am nervous. This is a big night, and I don't want to make a fool of myself. What if I say the wrong thing or do something embarrassing?"

Draco gently placed his hands on her shoulders, meeting her gaze in the mirror. "Bella, you're going to be amazing. Just be yourself. Everyone will love you."

She looked at him, her eyes reflecting her apprehension. "It's easier said than done. There will be so many important people there. What if they don't like me?"

Draco turned her to face him, his expression earnest. "Bella, you are intelligent, kind, and beautiful. Anyone who doesn't see that isn't worth your worry. Just focus on enjoying the evening and being with me."

He leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a whisper. "Besides, I can't stop thinking about all the things I want to do with you tonight. How I want to hold you close, dance with you, and later, when we're alone..." He trailed off, his eyes darkening with desire.

Belladonna felt a flush rise to her cheeks, a mix of excitement and nervousness fluttering in her stomach. "Draco..."

He smiled, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear. "Just remember that, Bella. Focus on us and let the rest of the world fade away."

Before she could respond, there was another knock on the door. Narcissa Malfoy entered, her elegant presence commanding attention. "Belladonna, dear, you look exquisite. Are you ready?"

Belladonna took a deep breath and nodded. "As ready as I'll ever be."

Narcissa smiled warmly. "Don't worry, dear. Just remember to smile and be polite. Everything will be fine."

With Narcissa's reassuring words and Draco's supportive presence, Belladonna felt a bit more confident. She took one last look in the mirror, smoothing down her gown, and squared her shoulders.

"Alright," she said, turning to face them. "Let's go."

Malfoy Manor, Grand Staircase

Belladonna, Draco, and Narcissa descended the grand staircase of Malfoy Manor, the marble steps gleaming under the soft glow of enchanted chandeliers. The anticipation of the evening's masquerade ball hung in the air, a mix of excitement and apprehension swirling in Belladonna's mind.

At the bottom of the stairs, Lucius joined them, offering a brief nod of approval as he surveyed their appearance. Draco pulled out his wand, followed by Narcissa and Belladonna, and they each cast a spell to adorn their faces with intricate, magical masquerade masks. Belladonna's mask was a delicate lacework of silver and pink, perfectly complementing her gown and accentuating her violet eyes.

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