Part 19

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Belladonna's mind was racing once she got back tot he school. She could not be forced into a marriage even with someone she considered her boyfriend. She knew it wasn't right and it wasn't for her. Her mind swirled with plans, ideas of portkeys and safe houses, great escapes.

Day 1:

Belladonna stood outside Professor Snape's office, her heart pounding with a mix of fear and determination. She knew she had to tell him her plan, but she wasn't sure how he would react. She took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

"Enter," came Snape's familiar, stern voice from inside.

She opened the door and stepped in, finding Snape seated at his desk, surrounded by potion ingredients and parchments. He looked up, his eyes narrowing slightly as he saw her.

"Belladonna," he said, his tone even. "What brings you here at this hour?"

She closed the door behind her and approached his desk, trying to steady her nerves. "Professor, I need to talk to you about something important. Something dangerous."

Snape's expression remained unreadable, but he gestured for her to sit. "Go on."

Belladonna took a seat, her hands clasped tightly in her lap. "I can't stay here, Professor. I can't let them force me into that marriage. I have to disappear."

As Snape listened, he felt a familiar pang of protectiveness and fear. *She can't do this. It's too dangerous.* Yet, he also admired her determination and courage. He leaned back in his chair, his fingers steepled in front of him.

"Do you understand what you're saying, Belladonna? Disappearing is not a simple task. The Dark Lord's reach is vast."

"I know," she replied, her voice steady. "But I've been planning. I have a way to get the resources I need. I just need your help."

*She's serious,* he thought, a mixture of admiration and fear tightening his chest. He knew the risks she was willing to take, and it terrified him. "What exactly do you need from me?"

Belladonna took a deep breath, steeling herself. "I need to get into my father's vault. To do that, I need Polyjuice Potion to pose as him. I need you to help me brew it and guide me through the process."

Snape's mind raced. *If she's caught... the consequences.* He tried to keep his face stoic, but the concern in his eyes was evident. "That is highly dangerous, Belladonna. If you are caught, the consequences will be severe."

"I understand the risks," she said, her voice firm. "But I don't see any other way. I need the money and resources to escape, and this is the only way I can think of."

Snape was silent for a long moment, his gaze piercing. *She's so brave. So determined. But also so vulnerable.* "You are determined, that much is clear. But have you considered what will happen to the Malfoys if you leave? The repercussions for Draco and his family?"

Belladonna's face tightened with resolve. "I have, Professor. I know it will put them in a difficult position. But I must choose myself, no matter the cost. I cannot sacrifice my freedom and my future for them."

*She's willing to risk everything for her autonomy.* Snape sighed, the weight of her request heavy in the air. "Very well. I will help you. But you must promise me that you will be careful. One wrong move, and you could endanger yourself and others."

"I promise," she said, relief flooding through her. "Thank you, Professor."

Snape stood, moving to one of the shelves filled with potion ingredients. "We will need to start immediately. Polyjuice Potion takes time to brew, and we must ensure it is done correctly."

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