Part 4

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The next morning, Belladonna and Draco found themselves standing outside Professor Snape's office, waiting to be summoned inside. The hallway was dimly lit, the cold stone walls adding to the sense of foreboding that hung in the air. Both of them were tense, their minds still reeling from the previous night's near-kiss and subsequent punishment.

Belladonna glanced at Draco, who was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, his expression a mixture of frustration and contemplation. She felt a flutter of uncertainty but quickly pushed it aside, reminding herself that they were here for a reason.

Before she could say anything, the door to Snape's office creaked open, and the professor's stern voice called out, "Enter."

Belladonna and Draco stepped inside, the door closing behind them with a soft thud. Snape was seated behind his desk, his dark eyes piercing as he regarded them with a look of severe disapproval.

"Miss Nightshade, Mr. Malfoy," Snape began, his voice cold and measured. "I am deeply disappointed in both of you. As Prefects, you are expected to set an example for the rest of the students, not engage in reckless behavior and break curfew."

Belladonna swallowed hard, forcing herself to meet Snape's gaze. "Professor, we're sorry. It won't happen again."

Snape's eyes narrowed. "I should hope not. Your actions last night were not only irresponsible but also dangerous. The Astronomy Tower is strictly off-limits after hours for a reason."

Draco shifted uncomfortably; his jaw clenched. "We understand, Professor. We'll accept whatever punishment you deem necessary."

Snape leaned back in his chair, his fingers steepled. "Indeed, you will. You will both serve detention for the remainder of the week. Additionally, you will assist Mr. Filch with his evening rounds, ensuring that other students do not follow your poor example."

Belladonna felt a sinking feeling in her stomach but nodded in agreement. "Yes, Professor."

Draco gave a curt nod, his expression resigned. "Understood, sir."

Snape's gaze lingered on them for a moment longer, as if weighing their sincerity. "Good. And let this be a lesson to both of you. I expect better from my Prefects. You are dismissed."

As they left Snape's office, the weight of their punishment settled heavily on their shoulders. They walked in silence, the tension between them more pronounced than ever.

Later that morning, Belladonna and Draco entered the Great Hall for breakfast. The usual chatter and clinking of cutlery filled the air, but they felt the eyes of their fellow students on them, whispers and curious glances following their every move.

Belladonna took her seat with Desdemona, Rowan, and Ophelia, her mind still preoccupied with the events of the previous night and their meeting with Snape. She could see Draco sitting a few seats down, his expression stony as he picked at his food.

Desdemona leaned in, her voice low. "What happened in Snape's office?"

Belladonna sighed. "Detention for the rest of the week and assisting Filch with evening rounds."

Ophelia raised an eyebrow. "Tough break. But you two seemed pretty cozy last night. What's going on with you and Malfoy?"

Belladonna hesitated, glancing at Draco who was now engaged in a tense conversation with Blaise. "It's complicated. We're still figuring things out."

Rowan smirked. "Looks like your rivalry has taken an interesting turn."

Belladonna rolled her eyes but couldn't help the small smile that tugged at her lips. "You could say that."

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