Part 23

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 Malfoy Manor, Grand Hall – Voldemort's Wrath

The atmosphere in the grand hall of Malfoy Manor was charged with tension and fear. The grand wedding that was meant to solidify alliances and showcase loyalty to the Dark Lord was now a scene of dread and anticipation. Lord Voldemort stood at the center, his eyes blazing with fury, the air around him crackling with his dark magic.

The Malfoys – Lucius, Narcissa, and Draco – stood together, their faces pale and filled with terror. Severus Snape stood nearby, his expression carefully controlled, though his mind was racing with the potential consequences of the failed wedding.

Voldemort's voice, when it came, was a hiss of pure venom. "Where is she?"

Lucius, his voice trembling, tried to explain. "My Lord, we have searched everywhere. Ms. Nightshade has disappeared. We... we cannot find her."

Voldemort's face twisted with rage. "You have failed me, Lucius. You promised me a union that would strengthen our cause, and instead, you bring me nothing but excuses."

Narcissa stepped forward, her voice desperate. "My Lord, we have tried everything. She is cunning and resourceful. We believe she had outside help."

Voldemort's gaze snapped to Snape, his eyes narrowing. "Outside help? And who, exactly, would dare to defy me by aiding her?"

Snape met Voldemort's gaze with calm composure. "My Lord, I assure you, I have done everything in my power to locate her. If she had help, it was not from within our circle."

Voldemort's fury was palpable. He raised his wand, and the room seemed to darken. "Crucio!"

Lucius fell to the ground, writhing in agony as Voldemort's curse hit him. Narcissa screamed, her face a mask of horror, while Draco looked on, his eyes wide with fear and helplessness.

Voldemort's voice was cold and merciless. "You have failed me, Lucius. Your incompetence is a stain upon my plans. If she is not found soon, the punishment will be far more severe."

He lifted the curse, and Lucius lay on the ground, gasping for breath. Narcissa rushed to his side, tears streaming down her face. "Please, my Lord, we will find her. We will not rest until she is brought back."

Voldemort turned his gaze to Draco, his expression filled with contempt. "And you, Draco. You let her slip through your fingers. You were to marry her, to bind her to our cause. How could you let this happen?"

Draco's voice was barely a whisper. "I'm sorry, my Lord. I tried... but she... she's clever."

Voldemort's lip curled in disgust. "Clever? Clever is not enough to defy me. You will all suffer for this failure."

He turned back to Snape, his eyes burning with suspicion. "And you, Severus. You have always been close to Belladonna. Perhaps too close. Tell me, did you have any hand in her escape?"

Snape's voice was steady, his Occlumency shields firmly in place. "My Lord, I swear on my life, I did not assist her. My loyalty is to you."

Voldemort stared at Snape for a long moment, as if searching for any hint of deceit. Finally, he lowered his wand, though his anger was still palpable. "See that you all remember the price of failure. Find her. Bring her to me. And if you fail again, the consequences will be dire."

With a final, furious glance at the cowering Malfoys, Voldemort turned and swept out of the room, leaving a chilling silence in his wake.

Lucius slowly got to his feet, his face twisted with pain. Narcissa supported him, her eyes filled with fear and sorrow. Draco stood rigidly, his mind a whirl of guilt and helplessness.

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