Part 3

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The next morning, Belladonna entered Transfiguration class with her usual confidence, her head held high. The events of the previous night still played on her mind, but she pushed them aside, determined to maintain her focus. She took her seat, noticing Draco was already there, his eyes briefly meeting hers before he turned away.

Professor McGonagall strode into the classroom, her presence commanding immediate attention. "Good morning, class. Today, we will be working on human transfiguration. This is a complex and advanced form of magic that requires precise control and focus. Pair up and prepare to transform one another's appearance."

The students began to pair off, the room buzzing with excitement and nervous energy. Belladonna found herself paired with Desdemona, while Draco was partnered with Blaise Zabini. As McGonagall began her demonstration, Belladonna's eyes kept drifting towards Draco, who seemed equally distracted.

As they practiced the spells, Belladonna couldn't help but notice how often Draco glanced her way. She decided to use this to her advantage. Leaning towards Desdemona, she whispered, "Watch this." With a flourish of her wand, she transformed Desdemona's hair into a cascade of shimmering silver, a perfect replica of Draco's.

Desdemona giggled, catching on to the game. "Very clever, Belladonna. Let's see if he notices."

Draco did notice. His eyes widened momentarily before narrowing in irritation. He pointed his wand at Blaise, transforming his features to resemble Belladonna's. Blaise looked at himself in a nearby mirror and laughed. "Well, this is awkward."

The class continued with their transformations, and Professor McGonagall moved around the room, inspecting the students' work. When she reached Belladonna and Desdemona, she gave a nod of approval. "Excellent work, Miss Nightshade. Your control is impressive."

Belladonna smiled, pleased with the praise. As McGonagall moved on to Draco and Blaise, Belladonna caught Draco's eye. She raised an eyebrow, silently challenging him. Draco's lips twitched in a reluctant smirk, acknowledging the unspoken competition.

After class, Belladonna and her friends made their way to the courtyard. The morning sun bathed the grounds in a warm glow, and students lounged around, enjoying the brief break between classes. Belladonna found a spot under a large oak tree, her usual gathering place with Desdemona, Rowan, and Ophelia.

"So, what's the deal with you and Malfoy?" Rowan asked, curiosity evident in his voice.

Belladonna shrugged nonchalantly. "What do you mean?"

Ophelia rolled her eyes. "Oh, come on, Bella. The whole school can feel the tension between you two. It's like watching a duel every time you're in the same room."

Desdemona nodded in agreement. "Exactly. There's something different about your rivalry now. It's... charged."

Belladonna sighed, leaning back against the tree. "He's just frustrated that I keep beating him at his own games. He can't stand that someone might be better than him."

Rowan smirked. "Or maybe it's something else. Maybe he's finally met his match and doesn't know how to handle it."

Belladonna scoffed, but a part of her wondered if there was some truth to Rowan's words. Before she could dwell on it, she noticed Draco approaching, a determined look on his face.

Draco walked straight up to Belladonna, ignoring the curious glances from her friends. "We need to talk," he said, his voice low and urgent.

Belladonna raised an eyebrow, but stood up. "Fine. Let's talk."

They moved a few paces away, enough for a private conversation but still within sight of her friends. Draco took a deep breath. "Look, Nightshade. This has to stop. We're making fools of ourselves."

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