Part 22

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Remote Cabin in the Forbidden Forest – The Midnight Escape

The dense canopy of the Forbidden Forest was shrouded in darkness, the silence of the night only broken by the distant sounds of nocturnal creatures. Inside the remote cabin, Belladonna slept fitfully, the weight of her fears and uncertainties pressing down on her even in slumber.

Belladonna's Awakening

Suddenly, she was jolted awake by the sound of distant barking, growing louder and more frenzied. Her heart pounded as she sat up, listening intently. The realization hit her like a cold wave: tracking hounds. She heard voices calling her name, the distinct tones of Lucius and Draco Malfoy echoing through the forest.

"Belladonna! We know you're out here! Come out now, and no harm will come to you!" Lucius's voice was commanding and cold.

"Bella, please! Just come back with us!" Draco's voice sounded more desperate, filled with a mix of concern and frustration.

Panic surged through her. They've found me. She jumped out of bed, her mind racing. She needed to leave, and fast. She grabbed the enchanted journal, her bag of supplies, and quickly started packing the few items she had unpacked.

As the barking and voices grew closer, Belladonna's hands shook while she fumbled with her belongings. She knew she didn't have much time. She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself. She reached into her bag and pulled out a small, inconspicuous silver spoon – her Portkey.

With one last glance around the cabin, she touched the spoon and felt the familiar tug behind her navel as the Portkey activated. The world spun around her, and she was yanked away from the forest, the sounds of the hounds and the Malfoys fading into nothingness.

Arrival in Ireland

Belladonna landed roughly in a small, dimly lit village square. She stumbled slightly, the abrupt transition leaving her disoriented. She took a moment to gather her bearings, looking around at the quaint, quiet village. She had chosen this location based on the vague hope that her brother, Damien, might be living here.

The village was peaceful, the only sounds being the gentle rustling of leaves and the distant murmur of the ocean. Belladonna quickly moved to a shadowed alleyway to avoid being seen, her heart still pounding from the narrow escape.

Writing to Snape

Finding a secluded spot, she opened the enchanted journal, her hands trembling as she wrote:


They found me. Lucius and Draco were in the forest with tracking hounds. I had to use a Portkey. I'm in a village in Ireland now.

I'm scared, Professor. I don't know what to do next.

She watched as the ink glowed and disappeared, her fear and uncertainty weighing heavily on her.

Snape's Response

Back at Hogwarts, Severus Snape was in his chambers, unable to sleep, his mind filled with concern for Belladonna. When her message appeared in the journal, his heart skipped a beat. He read her words quickly and then responded with urgency.


I'm glad you managed to escape. Stay hidden and keep moving if necessary. Do you have any leads on where your brother might be?

I will do everything I can to mislead the Malfoys and buy you more time. Stay strong. We will get through this.


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