Part 5

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The next day, Belladonna entered the Potions classroom with a renewed sense of determination. She took her usual seat near the front, pulling out her textbook and ingredients. The events of the previous day still weighed heavily on her mind, but she refused to let them affect her performance.

Draco entered shortly after, his eyes briefly meeting hers before he looked away. There was a tension in the air, thick and almost tangible. Belladonna could feel the curious eyes of their classmates on them, the whispers and hushed conversations as they speculated about the latest developments in the ongoing drama between the two Slytherins.

Professor Snape swept into the room, his black robes billowing behind him. "Today, we will be brewing Veritaserum, a very delicate potion that requires precision and patience. Follow the instructions carefully, and no shortcuts."

Belladonna focused on her task, meticulously measuring each ingredient and following the instructions to the letter. She felt Draco's presence a few seats away, his gaze occasionally drifting towards her. She ignored him, determined not to let him distract her.

As the class progressed, Snape moved around the room, inspecting the students' progress. He paused by Belladonna's workstation, nodding approvingly. "Excellent work, Miss Nightshade. Keep it up."

Belladonna smiled slightly, pleased with the praise. As Snape moved on to Draco, she couldn't help but notice the look of frustration on his face. It seemed that their rivalry was far from over.

At lunch, Belladonna sat with Desdemona, Rowan, and Ophelia at the Slytherin table. The Great Hall was buzzing with activity, students chatting and laughing as they enjoyed their meals. Belladonna picked at her food, her mind still preoccupied with the brewing tension between her and Draco.

Desdemona nudged her. "You alright, Bella? You seem a bit out of it."

Belladonna sighed. "I'm fine. Just... dealing with Malfoy."

Rowan smirked. "Still causing trouble, is he?"

Ophelia leaned in, her eyes twinkling with curiosity. "What happened this time?"

Belladonna recounted the events of the previous day, from helping Harry with his homework to Draco's confrontation in the common room. Her friends listened intently, their expressions a mix of amusement and concern.

Desdemona shook her head. "He's such a prat. You'd think he'd have better things to do than to pick fights with you."

Belladonna shrugged. "It's just how he is. But I won't let him get to me."

As they continued their conversation, Belladonna noticed Harry approaching their table. He looked hesitant but determined, his eyes focused on her.

"Belladonna," he said, his voice carrying just enough to draw attention from nearby students. "Could I talk to you for a moment?"

Draco, who had been watching from across the room, immediately tensed up, his eyes narrowing as he observed the interaction.

Belladonna nodded, standing up. "Sure, Harry. What's up?"

They stepped a little way from the table, into a quieter corner of the Great Hall. Harry glanced around nervously before speaking. "I wanted to thank you for your help yesterday. It really made a difference."

Belladonna smiled. "No problem, Harry. I'm glad I could help."

Before they could say more, Draco appeared, his expression dark and his tone biting. "Potter, don't you have anything better to do than to pester Nightshade?"

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