Part 25

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 The Tent – An Unexpected Attack

Belladonna had just settled down to sleep after sending her message to Severus when she heard a rustling sound outside the tent. Her heart raced as she strained to listen. The forest was supposed to be their safe haven, but something felt off. She lay still, her senses on high alert, trying to discern if it was just an animal or something far more sinister.

Belladonna sat up, her wand clutched tightly in her hand. She gently shook Damien awake, putting a finger to her lips to signal silence. He nodded, his eyes wide with fear as he reached for his own wand.

The night air was filled with the sound of heavy footsteps and low, murmuring voices. Belladonna's blood ran cold as she realized they had been found. The tent's enchantments had been breached.

"Damien, we have to go. Now," she whispered urgently.

Belladonna quickly dismantled the tent with a flick of her wand, shrinking it and stuffing it into her enchanted bag. She grabbed Damien's hand, and they bolted through the trees, their breaths ragged with fear.

As they ran, spells began to fly around them, crashing into trees and illuminating the forest with flashes of light. Belladonna pushed herself harder, dragging Damien along, her mind racing to find a way out.

"Keep running!" she shouted over the chaos, her voice strained with panic.

In a desperate bid to escape, Belladonna pulled out a small, emergency Portkey that Severus had given her. It was a last resort, meant to take them to a safe house far from their current location.

"Hold on, Damien!" she shouted over the noise of the pursuing Death Eaters.

They grabbed the Portkey together, and with a gut-wrenching lurch, they were transported away, leaving the chaos behind.

The Safe House – Regrouping

Belladonna and Damien landed hard on the ground, disoriented but safe. They were in a secluded, dilapidated cottage deep in the Scottish Highlands, far from where they had been. Belladonna helped Damien to his feet, checking him for injuries.

"Are you okay?" she asked, her voice shaking.

Damien nodded, though he looked pale and frightened. "Yeah, I'm okay. What do we do now?"

Belladonna took a deep breath and pulled out the charmed journal, writing to Severus with trembling hands.


We were attacked. Someone breached our enchantments, and we had to use the emergency Portkey. We're safe for now, in the safe house you provided. I don't know how they found us, but it means we can't stay here long.

Please, any advice or help you can offer would be invaluable. We need to know how to stay ahead of them.

Yours, always,


She closed the journal and turned to Damien, who was still catching his breath.

"We need to stay vigilant," she said, trying to sound braver than she felt. "We'll rest here for a moment, but we can't stay long. We have to keep moving."

Hogwarts – Headmaster Snape's Office

Severus Snape sat behind the large, ornate desk in the headmaster's office, the weight of the position pressing heavily upon him. With Dumbledore away, the responsibility of running Hogwarts and maintaining the delicate balance between his true loyalties and his role as a trusted Death Eater fell squarely on his shoulders. He knew that today would be particularly challenging—the Ministry had sent Aurors to interrogate students about Belladonna Nightshade's disappearance.

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