Part 14

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Afternoon Before the Malfoy Manor Masquerade Ball

Belladonna Nightshade's dormitory was a blend of elegance and organized chaos. Her trunk lay open on her bed, half-packed with meticulously folded robes and various other belongings.

Belladonna herself was pacing the room, her usually composed demeanor replaced by visible anxiety. Draco Malfoy sat on the edge of her bed, watching her with a mix of amusement and concern.

"Belladonna, you need to relax," Draco said, his voice attempting to soothe her. "Everything will be fine."

"Easy for you to say," she snapped, pausing to glare at him. "You're not the one with a father who is obsessed with 'securing' me into a pure-blood family. Merlin knows what he'll suggest at dinner tonight."

Draco sighed, leaning forward and reaching for her hand, pulling her gently towards him. "Bella, come here."

She let herself be pulled into his arms, and Draco wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. "Listen, beautiful. If your father suggests anything you're not comfortable with, we'll handle it."

Belladonna rested her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes for a moment. "Draco, you don't understand. My father is relentless. He's been dropping hints about possible matches for months. I'm afraid tonight he might try to push for something more... concrete."

Draco pulled back slightly to look at her, his grey eyes serious. "Bella, you're not some pawn to be traded off. If he tries anything, I'll stand up to him. For us."

She looked up at him, her violet eyes filled anxiety. "You should be just as nervous."

Draco sighed, his gaze reassuring. "Whatever happens at the Manor has no bearing on you and me. I promise."

Belladonna allowed herself a small smile, though it quickly faded. "I'm still worried, Draco. My father can be very persuasive, and he has a way of making his desires seem like the only logical option."

Draco brushed a strand of her hair behind her ear, his touch gentle. "Then we'll be persuasive too. We'll show our parents that we're not just pawns in their games. We are in this together."

She took a deep breath, letting his words sink in. "We'll see won't we."

"Of course," he replied without hesitation. "I'll be right there with you."

As Belladonna continued packing, Draco watched her with a mix of admiration and concern. He was determined to stand by her, no matter what challenges the evening might bring. The uncertainty in her eyes only strengthened his resolve to protect her and their budding relationship from whatever plans her father might have.

Belladonna snapped her trunk shut with a decisive click, the anxiety still evident in her eyes. Draco, sensing her lingering apprehension, squeezed her hand reassuringly.

A soft pop echoed through the room as a small, delicate house-elf appeared. Unlike Dobby, Nixie had a more composed and efficient air about her. She wore a neatly pressed pillowcase with the Malfoy crest embroidered on it, her large, bright eyes reflecting her dedication.

"Master Draco, Miss Nightshade," Nixie said in her high-pitched, respectful voice. "I am here to assist with your luggage and take you to Malfoy Manor."

"Thank you, Nixie," Draco replied, giving the house-elf a curt nod. He turned to Belladonna, offering her a reassuring smile. "Ready?"

Belladonna took a deep breath and nodded, her fingers tightening around the handle of her trunk. "As ready as I'll ever be."

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