Part 8

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As Belladonna and Draco made their way to the Great Hall, hand in hand, they could feel the curious eyes of their fellow students upon them. 

Whispers and murmurs followed them as they walked, and Belladonna's heart pounded with a mixture of anxiety and pride. 

She knew that their relationship would be the talk of the school, and the thought of appearing weak or submissive to Draco in front of everyone gnawed at her.

When they entered the Great Hall, the noise level dropped significantly as students turned to look at them. Belladonna's friends, Desdemona, Rowan, and Ophelia, were seated at the Slytherin table, their eyes widening in surprise as they saw her and Draco together.

Draco squeezed her hand reassuringly, but as they approached the table, Belladonna's pride got the better of her. She quickly pulled her hand away, her expression hardening as she took a step away from Draco.

Desdemona raised an eyebrow, her tone curious. "Bella, what's going on?"

Belladonna forced a casual shrug, trying to appear indifferent. "Nothing, Des. Just dealing with Malfoy as usual."

Draco's eyes flashed with hurt, but he masked it with a smirk, playing along. "Oh, come on, Nightshade. You know you can't resist my charm."

Rowan snorted, his expression amused. "What charm, Malfoy?"

Ophelia glanced between Draco and Belladonna, her eyes narrowing slightly. "Is that really all there is to it, Bella?"

Belladonna felt a pang of guilt, but she steeled herself, not wanting to appear weak. "Of course. Draco and I are just... negotiating terms."

Draco's jaw tightened, but he kept his composure, leaning in close to her ear and whispering, "Don't play games, Bella. We both know the truth."

Belladonna's heart ached, but she forced herself to maintain her facade. "Whatever you say, Malfoy," she replied coolly, turning her back on him and sitting down with her friends.

Draco stood there for a moment, his expression a mixture of anger and disappointment. He gave a curt nod and walked away, taking a seat further down the table, his eyes never leaving her.

As she sat with her friends, Belladonna could feel the weight of her actions pressing down on her. She knew it was wrong to push Draco away, especially after their heartfelt conversation and the promise they had made to each other. But her pride and the fear of appearing vulnerable in front of her peers kept her from reaching out.

Desdemona leaned in, her voice low. "Bella, are you sure you're okay?"

Belladonna forced a smile, trying to hide her inner turmoil. "I'm fine, Des. Just handling things my way."

Ophelia gave her a skeptical look but didn't press further. "If you say so."

As the meal progressed, Belladonna couldn't shake the feeling of regret and guilt. She stole glances at Draco, who was sitting stiffly and glaring at his plate. She knew she had hurt him, and it pained her to see the impact of her actions.

For several days, the atmosphere between Belladonna and Draco was tense and charged with unspoken emotions. In the Slytherin common room, the air was thick with an unacknowledged tension that everyone could feel but no one dared to address.

Belladonna buried herself in her studies, her eyes always avoiding the familiar blond head in the corner. She would often catch glimpses of Draco, his face a mask of indifference, yet she knew him well enough to notice the tightness in his jaw and the way his fingers drummed incessantly on his books.

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