Part 17

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Malfoy Manor, Grand Ballroom

The grand ballroom of Malfoy Manor was alive with the chatter of guests, the clinking of glasses, and the strains of elegant music. Belladonna and Draco had just navigated away from the refreshment table, settling into the rhythm of the evening. As they mingled with the crowd, Severus Snape moved stealthily through the sea of masked faces, his eyes never straying far from Belladonna.

Snape's thoughts were a maelstrom of possessiveness and desire. *She needs to see that she deserves better. That Draco is not the one for her.*

He edged closer to where Belladonna stood with Draco, waiting for the opportune moment. As Draco was drawn into a conversation with a group of older wizards, Snape saw his chance. He approached Belladonna, his presence commanding attention even in the bustling crowd.

"Belladonna," Snape's voice was smooth, cutting through the noise around them. "May I have a word?"

Belladonna turned, her violet eyes meeting his through her delicate mask. She gave a polite nod, though there was a hint of curiosity in her gaze. "Of course, Professor Snape."

Draco, caught in his conversation, barely noticed as Snape led Belladonna a few steps away, just out of earshot.

"How are you finding the evening?" Snape asked, his tone almost gentle, a stark contrast to his usual demeanor.

"It's lovely," Belladonna replied, though her eyes searched his, sensing there was more to his approach. "Thank you for asking."

Snape leaned in slightly, lowering his voice. "It's good to see you holding your own here. These events can be... overwhelming."

Belladonna nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. "They can be, but it's not my first time."

Snape returned her smile with a subtle one of his own. "True. You've always shown remarkable composure."

She looked down for a moment, feeling a mix of pride and unease. "Thank you, Professor."

Snape's gaze softened, his eyes lingering on her face. "Remember, Belladonna, your strength is your own. No one should ever make you feel less capable."

Belladonna looked up, her eyes meeting his again, a flicker of understanding passing between them. "I appreciate that."

Snape nodded, satisfied that he had planted the seed he intended. "Enjoy the rest of your evening."

As he stepped back, Belladonna watched him, feeling a sense of validation she hadn't felt in a long time. She hadn't expected such understanding from him, and it left her with much to ponder.

Draco returned to her side, oblivious to the exchange. "Everything alright?" he asked, taking her hand.

Belladonna nodded, still processing her conversation with Snape. "Yes, everything's fine."

As the evening continued, Snape watched Belladonna from a distance, satisfaction mingling with his possessive desire. *She will come to see that I am the one who truly values her. This is just the beginning.*

His mind already working on the next steps, Snape melted back into the crowd, confident that the seeds of doubt had been sown. It was only a matter of time before Belladonna would realize who truly understood her.

Malfoy Manor, Grand Ballroom

The grand ballroom of Malfoy Manor was alive with the chatter of guests, the clinking of glasses, and the strains of elegant music. Belladonna and Draco had just navigated away from the refreshment table, settling into the rhythm of the evening. As they mingled with the crowd, Severus Snape moved stealthily through the sea of masked faces, his eyes never straying far from Belladonna.

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