Part 20

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Nightshade Manor – Stealing the Vault Key

Belladonna stood outside her father's grand estate, Nightshade Manor, her heart pounding with a mix of fear and determination. She knew the risk she was taking, but she also knew it was the only way to secure the resources she needed for her escape.

With a vial of Invisibility Potion in one hand and a small pouch with Polyjuice Potion in the other, she took a deep breath and drank the Invisibility Potion, feeling the strange, cold sensation wash over her as she vanished from sight.

Slipping silently through the gates and past the guards, Belladonna navigated the familiar corridors of her childhood home. The Invisibility Potion allowed her to move undetected, but she knew it wouldn't last forever. She had to act quickly.

Reaching her father's study, she carefully opened the door and slipped inside. The room was dark, lit only by the moonlight streaming through the windows. She knew exactly where her father kept the key to his Gringotts vault – in a hidden compartment in his desk.

Moving swiftly and silently, Belladonna approached the desk. She felt around for the hidden latch, her fingers brushing against the smooth wood until she found it. With a quiet click, the hidden compartment opened, revealing the vault key.

Belladonna's heart raced as she took the key, her hands trembling slightly. She had the key, but now she had to get out without being caught. She glanced at the clock on the wall; the Invisibility Potion would wear off soon.

She slipped the key into her pocket and carefully made her way back through the corridors, avoiding the guards and servants. Just as she reached the front door, the effects of the Invisibility Potion began to fade. She quickly darted outside, finding a safe spot to hide as she became visible again.

Belladonna breathed a sigh of relief, clutching the vault key tightly. She had done it. Now she just needed to get to Gringotts.

Gringotts Bank – Accessing the Vault

The next morning, Belladonna stood outside Gringotts Bank in Diagon Alley, her heart pounding once again. She had taken another dose of the Invisibility Potion to make her way here undetected. Now, it was time to use the Polyjuice Potion.

Finding a secluded alley, Belladonna took out a vial containing the Polyjuice Potion she had prepared, along with a strand of her father's hair. She dropped the hair into the potion, watching as it bubbled and changed color. Taking a deep breath, she drank the potion, feeling the familiar but unpleasant sensation as her body transformed into that of her father.

Now disguised as her father, Belladonna made her way into Gringotts, her posture and demeanor mimicking his as closely as possible. The goblins at the entrance barely glanced at her, accustomed to the sight of Aldric Nightshade.

She approached the main desk, trying to keep her voice steady. "I need to access my vault," she said, handing over the vault key.

The goblin inspected the key, then nodded. "Follow me."

Belladonna followed the goblin through the winding passages of Gringotts, her heart pounding in her chest. They reached the vault, and the goblin used the key to unlock the massive door. As it swung open, Belladonna felt a surge of triumph. The vault was filled with gold, jewels, and valuable artifacts.

She quickly began to fill the enchanted bag Snape had given her, ensuring she took enough to last her for a long time. She grabbed handfuls of Galleons, rare potions ingredients, and a few enchanted items that might prove useful.

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