Part 26

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Dumbledore's Office – The Grim Task

"Don't ignore me, Severus," Dumbledore insisted, his voice firm. "We both know that Lord Voldemort has ordered the Malfoy boy to murder me. But should he fail, I should presume the Dark Lord will turn to you."

Snape turned to face Dumbledore, his face pale as a ghost. "You must be the one to kill me, Severus. It is the only way. Only then will the Dark Lord trust you completely. In return, I will hide the Nightshade girl. I will take her somewhere she will never be found. Somewhere far away. But you must talk to her, tell her, her brother cannot go. He is a liability," Dumbledore said.

Snape's heart sank, his expression a mix of shock and despair. "Albus, you're asking me to carry a burden I'm not sure I can bear. To kill you—how can you ask this of me? And to leave her brother behind, it will break her."

Dumbledore's eyes softened with compassion, yet his resolve remained unyielding. "Severus, I know the enormity of what I ask. But the stakes are higher than ever. Belladonna's survival is paramount to our plans, and her brother, as much as it pains me to say, would endanger her. She must understand that his presence would jeopardize everything."

Snape clenched his fists, his knuckles turning white. "She'll never forgive me, Albus. She loves her brother. Telling her this will destroy what little trust she has left."

Dumbledore leaned forward, his gaze intent. "Severus, you have always been strong, stronger than you know. The girl needs you to be that strength now. She must hear it from you, because she trusts you. Explain to her that this is the only way to ensure her safety and the success of our mission."

Snape's voice cracked with emotion. "And what of my soul, Headmaster? How can I reconcile this with myself, killing you and breaking her heart in the process?"

Dumbledore sighed, his eyes filled with a deep sadness. "Your soul, Severus, is stronger than you give it credit for. The act of killing me will weigh heavily on you, yes, but it is a sacrifice we must both make for the greater good. As for the girl, she must go. His men get ever closer."

Snape looked away, the internal struggle evident on his face. "And if I do this, you promise she will be safe? Truly safe, Albus? Hidden where no one can find her, not even the Dark Lord?"

Dumbledore nodded solemnly. "I give you my word, Severus. She will be hidden where no one will ever find her."

Snape turned back to face Dumbledore, his eyes filled with a mixture of sorrow and determination. "Very well. I will do as you ask. But know this, Albus—this will haunt me for the rest of my days."

Dumbledore placed a reassuring hand on Snape's arm. "I know, Severus. But there is no other way, especially now. He doubts your loyalty more with each passing day."

The Safe House – A Grim Revelation

Belladonna sat in the secluded cottage deep in the Scottish Highlands, the weight of recent events pressing heavily on her. She had just received a message from Severus, and the gravity of what was being asked of her was almost too much to bear.

The door to the cottage creaked open, and Severus entered, his expression grave. Belladonna looked up, her heart pounding. She knew that whatever he had come to say would change everything.

"Severus," she began, but he cut her off with a gentle but firm hand raised.

"Belladonna, there is something you must understand," Severus said, his voice low and urgent. "Dumbledore has arranged for you to be taken somewhere safe, somewhere far away from here."

She frowned, confusion and defiance warring in her eyes. "What do you mean? Why is your face so... worried?" she asked, her breath quickening.

Severus took a deep breath, steeling himself. "Dumbledore is offering to hide you in his family home from his childhood, far from Voldemort's reach. But you must go alone. Damien cannot accompany you."

Belladonna's eyes widened in shock. "No! I won't leave him behind. He's my brother, Severus. I can't abandon him."

Severus stepped closer, his expression pained. "Belladonna, you have to understand. Damien's presence endangers you both. The Dark Lord's forces are closing in, and they will use him to get to you."

Tears welled up in her eyes as she shook her head vehemently. "I can't do it, Severus. I won't leave him."

Severus's voice softened, but his resolve remained firm. "This is the only way to keep you safe. Dumbledore has made arrangements with a trusted friend in the Pacific Northwest, Washington. You will be taken there, to a place where you will be protected. But Damien cannot go with you."

Damien, who had been silent until now, stepped forward. "Bella, he's right. You have to go. I'll be fine. This is about your safety."

Belladonna turned to her brother, tears streaming down her face. "No, Damien. I can't leave you."

Damien took her hands in his, his expression resolute. "You have to, Bella. This is bigger than us. You need to be safe so you can fight another day."

Belladonna's defiance remained, but Severus could see the fear and desperation in her eyes. He knew what had to be done, even if it broke his heart.

"If you force me to leave without him, I will never forgive you, Severus," she whispered, her voice filled with anguish.

Severus's eyes softened with sorrow. "I'm sorry, Belladonna. This is for your own good."

With a heavy heart, Severus raised his wand and cast a spell, "Stupefy." Belladonna's eyes widened in shock before she collapsed into his arms, unconscious.

The Windy Hill – The Farewell

Severus carried Belladonna to a windy hill where Dumbledore stood waiting, the landscape around them bleak and foreboding. The wind whipped through their robes, adding to the dramatic and heartbreaking atmosphere.

Dumbledore looked at Severus, his expression filled with sorrow. "Thank you, Severus. This is the best way to ensure her safety."

Severus gently laid Belladonna down, his heart aching. "She thinks I've betrayed her. She said she'd never forgive me."

Dumbledore placed a reassuring hand on Severus's shoulder. "In time, she will understand. We must do what is necessary to protect her."

Belladonna stirred, her eyes fluttering open. She looked around in confusion, then her eyes locked onto Severus. Realization and betrayal flashed across her face.

"You... you did this to me?" she whispered, her voice trembling with hurt and anger.

Severus knelt beside her, his eyes filled with regret. "Belladonna, this is for your safety. Please understand, we had no other choice."

Tears streamed down her face as she shook her head. "I trusted you, Severus. How could you do this?"

Dumbledore stepped forward, his voice gentle. "Belladonna, you will be safe where we are taking you. It's the only way."

She turned away from Severus, her heart breaking. "I'll never forgive you," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the wind.

Severus stood up, his heart heavy with sorrow. "I know. But I hope, one day, you will understand why we did this."

With a final, sorrowful look, Severus watched as Belladonna was taken away, her figure growing smaller against the vast, windswept landscape. The pain of her betrayal cut deep, but he knew it was a necessary sacrifice for her safety.

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