Part 9

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The Next Morning

Draco awoke feeling significantly better than he had the previous night. The weight of his father's harsh words and the pressure to be perfect seemed a little lighter after Belladonna's support. Determined to not let the previous day's events overshadow him, he dressed with care and purpose, ready to face the day with renewed vigor.

In the Great Hall, students were bustling around, enjoying their breakfast and engaging in lively conversations. Belladonna sat at the Slytherin table, her mind focused on the day ahead. She didn't notice Draco until he slid into the seat beside her, his presence commanding immediate attention.

Belladonna looked up, surprised but composed. "Draco," she acknowledged, giving him a slight nod.

Draco returned the nod, his expression determined. He leaned in closer, his lips nearly brushing her ear as he whispered, "I refuse to be publicly brushed off again, Belladonna. You and I, we are more alike than you think. And I can't stop thinking about last night."

Her breath hitched slightly at his proximity, but she maintained her composure. "Draco, this isn't the place for—"

He interrupted her, his voice low and possessive, a hint of something darker underlying his words. "Every time I see you, I want to claim you, to make sure everyone knows you're mine. Last night was just the beginning, Belladonna."

She felt a shiver run down her spine, a mix of apprehension and something more. "Draco, we need to keep this appropriate, especially here."

Draco's eyes glittered with intensity. "Appropriate? We both know there's more between us than just rivalry. You felt it last night, too. And I won't let anyone, not even you, deny it."

Belladonna took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. "Draco, we need to be careful. There are eyes everywhere, and we can't afford to draw attention."

He smirked, his voice dropping even lower. "Let them watch. I want them to see that you belong to me."

Belladonna's heart raced, her mind a whirl of conflicting emotions. She knew she had to maintain control, to not let Draco's possessive words cloud her judgment. "Draco, we need to talk about this later, in private."

He nodded slightly; his gaze unwavering. "Fine. But remember, Belladonna, you can't hide from this. From us. From me."

Belladonna's heart raced, her mind a whirl of conflicting emotions. She knew she had to maintain control, to not let Draco's possessive words cloud her judgment. "Draco, we need to talk about this later, in private."

He nodded slightly; his gaze unwavering. "Fine. But remember, Belladonna, you can't hide from this. From us. From me."

As they continued with breakfast, Draco's knee kept brushing against hers under the table, a constant reminder of his proximity. His hand found its way to her thigh, fingers tracing gentle, possessive patterns on her skin. Belladonna tried to focus on her meal, but the sensation was impossible to ignore.

"Draco, stop," she hissed quietly, glancing around nervously. "We're being watched."

He smirked, his eyes glinting with mischief. "By whom? Jealous Gryffindors?"

She leaned closer, her voice a tense whisper. "By Snape. He's watching us."

Draco's expression shifted slightly, a mix of annoyance and acknowledgment. He withdrew his hand, but not before giving her thigh a final, lingering squeeze. "Alright, Bella. For now."

Belladonna exhaled slowly, relieved yet still on edge. She glanced over to the head table where Professor Snape sat, his sharp eyes indeed observing them closely. His expression was unreadable, but she knew he missed nothing.

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