Episode 319 Chapter 57: Damgal Toywol (5)

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Damgal Toywol (5)

Boom, crash!

The fireworks erupted loudly.

"That crazy girl!"

Flame shouted irritably.

"Hey, hurry up and follow me!"

Behind her, about seventy students were following, those she had gathered while trailing Hong Bi Yeon.

Rule number one in a disaster situation:

If things look messed up, gather people!

As far as she knew, if she could control a group, this was the best method.

"This way!"

When Eisel created a giant ice wall, students slid over it one by one like a slide.

Originally, Flame intended to follow Hong Bi Yeon first, but she was delayed because she had to take care of isolated students along the way.

But it wasn't all bad.

In fact, it was actually good.

Hong Bi Yeon either defeated wraiths on her path or calculated meticulously to detour to areas without wraiths. This served as a guide for Flame to lead the many students to a safe location.

"Hey, human. The wraiths will gather there. Let's go the other way..."

"Right! This is dangerous."

"It's a suicidal move."

When Flame tried to head toward the fireworks, some students complained. It was understandable because the spell was so dazzling that it was bound to attract all the wraiths nearby.

"So, you're saying we should run away?"

"It's not running away."

The one who answered was Serang, a member of the "Blossom Trio." He had been following Flame around annoyingly and spoke in a calm voice.

"It's just... avoiding danger by taking a detour."


"Flame, you're the leader of this group. You have to act responsibly."

Some students agreed with Serang's words. Not only the elves but also the human students.

Flame snorted.

"Ha, do you think I didn't take detours when I could have? Was there even a single time when it wasn't dangerous when I rushed in to save you? No, there wasn't. Serang, what were you doing when I saved you?"

"I was fighting against a wraith."

"No, you were getting beaten up one-sidedly. If it weren't for me, you would've been dead. You know that, right?"

"And you there, I saved you even though I got pinned under a rock. Is that how you repay me?"

Each student gathered here was someone Eisel and Flame had risked their lives to rescue. Even though saving them was also for their own sake, it was still true that Flame had risked her life to protect them.

"It's the same this time. I'm just going to do what I've always done for you once more."

"The situation is very different from before. Flame, let's think rationally."

"I'm always rational."

"Your heart is too hot. To an excessive degree. Anyone can see this is a suicide mission."

Serang stepped closer to her, smiling gently.

"We're almost at the shelter. The professors are coming from behind, cleaning up the wraiths. If we just gather and wait, our safety is practically guaranteed."

I Became a Flashing Genius at the Magic Academy [158-362][English Translation]Where stories live. Discover now