Episode 335 Chapter 59: Winter Vacation(7)

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Winter Vacation(7)

The night in Tread City was always a dazzling display of lights that never seemed to go out, but I can confidently say that there has never been a night as chaotic as this one.

It all started with an angel.

How terrifying it was to see an angel flying between the tall buildings with radiant wings.

Then, as the buildings suddenly started shaking and collapsing, instead of fleeing, the citizens flocked to the area to take photos.

Did they believe in the superior construction technology of Tread City?

Or had they lost their sense of fear?

"Is that a real angel?"

"No way, it must be a wizard. Angels are just stuff of legends."

"Is this some kind of show...?"

While the citizens were questioning Flame's appearance, the ceiling of the Paradise Hotel, known to be one of the most luxurious in Tread City, was pierced, and a black substance appeared.

"What the hell is that!"

"Wait a minute..."

"Is that...!"

Around this point, people began to realize that this wasn't some ordinary spectacle.

The twisted bat wings with pulsating veins matched the rhythm of a heartbeat, and if anyone could see the dark energy seeping from it and not think of a 'Dark Mage,' they were truly desensitized to death.

"I-I'm getting out of here!"

"Damn it, what the hell is going on!"

Half of the citizens who were half-heartedly taking pictures of this bizarre spectacle started to flee on the spot.

Though Tread City was infamous for its lawlessness and had seen Dark Mages appear before, no one had ever witnessed a being with such overwhelming power.

To make matters worse, wizards dressed in the uniform of the Stella Knights began to fly into the air, casting magic at the demon, making it impossible to deny that this was a real situation.


With a single flap of the demon's wings, a massive shockwave knocked all the citizens back. The Stella Knights' spells were either completely neutralized or had their power drastically reduced, causing most of the 5th-class wizards to plummet to the ground, unable to maintain their Fly spell.

"Oh my... even Stella..."

The fact that even the Stella Knights, known as the world's strongest knights, were unable to fully exert their strength was shocking.

Quick-witted people quickly realized that this Dark Mage had a power unlike any other, but that didn't change anything.

"Damn it, what's the defense force doing...?"

"They say the Magic Warriors are being deployed!"

"What difference does it make if those guys who spend every night drinking and playing cards show up?"

"I'm leaving this city."

Just as the citizens, thinking that there were no wizards capable of stopping the Dark Mage, were hastily leaving, a blue flash pierced through the demon.


Immediately afterward, a high-frequency ultrasound erupted.

The sound was so loud that it was beyond human perception, causing some of the citizens near the hotel to collapse with blood trickling from their ears.

I Became a Flashing Genius at the Magic Academy [158-362][English Translation]Where stories live. Discover now