Episode 349 Chapter 61: Special Clan(8)

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Special Clan(8)

It wasn't surprising that two airships from Stella arrived within a day to rescue a student. Stella was known for its thorough care of its students, which was why so many of its graduates stayed on to work with the Stella Knights, the Stella Magic Tower, or various academic research groups.

This rescue operation caught the attention of many students, especially since three of the most talked-about first-year S-Class girls had summoned the airships.

As soon as Baek Yuseol returned from the Kingdom of Adolevit, he went to visit Eisel, who was currently resting in her dormitory due to the aftereffects of the battle.

It was unusual for a male student to enter the girls' dormitory so freely, but one of Baek Yuseol's abilities was moving unnoticed.

"Hey, isn't that Baek Yuseol?"

"Yeah, it's him. That first-year."

"He's a second-year now."

"But why is he in the girls' dormitory...?"

Lately, it seemed even this ability had become useless. No matter where he went, people noticed him, making it impossible to move quietly.

Ignoring the whispers of the older female students, Baek Yuseol went to Eisel's private dormitory and knocked on the door.

"Hey, are you in there?"

To his surprise, an unexpected voice responded from inside.

"Huh? Uncle?"

A moment later, the door clicked open, revealing not a girl with short black hair, but a long-haired Flame peeking out. She glanced around with wide eyes before meeting Baek Yuseol's gaze and grinning.

"Come in."

Hesitating, Baek Yuseol entered the room and saw Eisel huddled in a corner of the bed, wrapped tightly in a blanket, with only her head poking out as she shivered.

"What's going on? Are you okay, Eisel?"


Eisel's usually neat sky-blue hair was a tangled mess, and her face was flushed with a deep blush.

"They said you were uninjured and returned to the dormitory right away."

"Well... it's a bit different..."

Achoo! Eisel sneezed mid-sentence, pulling her head back into the blanket. It seemed certain that she had caught a cold.

"I'm fine..."


She looked like a wet, shivering puppy, clutching the blanket with both hands. It was pitiful.

"It's because of the magic," Flame said, dragging a chair over and placing it in front of Baek Yuseol.

"We went to a ski resort, and there was a brief stop at Ilajeliden, Reverse Mountain."

"I see."

Hearing this, Baek Yuseol immediately understood.

The girls, familiar with his ability to grasp situations with just a word or two, didn't bother with further explanation. They knew that if Baek Yuseol was given a hint, he would piece everything together.

'I didn't expect her to catch a cold.'

Baek Yuseol looked at Eisel with sympathy.

Mages, especially those who handled ice magic, rarely caught colds. If they did, it was only because they had overexerted their magic beyond their capabilities.

I Became a Flashing Genius at the Magic Academy [158-362][English Translation]Where stories live. Discover now