• Yet Again •

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I woke up to the soft breeze flowing through the window and the mid day sun blaring in my face. I rolled onto my back sighing.

Today was the day Asking Alexandria are leaving to LA to write their new record. I really am going to miss Sam.

Someone crawled into the bed and he kissed me on my temple.

"Morning beautiful," Sam smirked.

"Morning," I yawned.

He smiled wider at me and I raised my eyebrow.

"What?" I asked.

"I love you," he said seriously.

"Well... I love you too Sam," I giggled.

There was a painful silence between us. He broke the silence and looked me dead in the eyes.

"Can I ask you something?" He asked.

"Of course," I smiled encouragingly.

"I- Alice I-," he panicked.

"You can tell me," I encouraged again.

He took my hands.

"Alice, for so long I wanted to ask you this. I loved you ever since I first said hello to you. Alice Stewart will you do me the honour of spending the rest of our lives together," he said nervously. Tears were brimming in my eyes and I didn't know what to say.

I could definitely see a future with Sam. Having kids. Growing old. This was different when Louis asked me to be his wife. I wouldn't call it official though.

I nodded while my hand was covering my joyful sobs. He smiled in relief and pulled out a ring with a black rose and black sapphires.

He slipped it onto my finger and I didn't realize how much I was crying. I grabbed both sides of his face and pulled him into a long kiss. I pulled away and looked at the ring.

"We're getting married," I said in disbelief.

"We're getting married!" He cheered.

I rolled ontop of him and kissed him again. I pushed off of him and he dragged me out the door.

"We might as well go tell everyone," he said and we went into the living room.

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