• The Penthouse Party •

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"Geez, how long does this elevator take?" Benny whined.

"How the fuck should I know!" I answered quite annoyed.

Benny chuckled and shook his head.

Thats when the elevator finally stops. The doors open slowly, revealing two golden doors.

"Damn, you could hear the loud thumping through the doors," John states.

Benny places his hand on the handle of the doors and opens them. A full wave of loud and irritating techno music burst through the doors. It is a full house of people, obviously drunk and possibly high. I just stood there shocked. I thought it would be a small get together, but no. It was a fucking open house party.

"Jesus crist!" I yelled over the music.

I turned my head and saw the boys gone, leaving only me and Mary.

"Dude, comon," Mary said as she walking into the crowd.

"Fucking hell..." And I walked in.

It is a maze sweaty drunk people, I feel so out of place, so alone. I need a drink, get drunk and have fun. But first, I need to find the boys and Mary. Where the fuck are the they?

I see a table with beer bottles and Vodka bottles. I walk over to it and pour myself a beer into the red solo cup.

"Really? I thought you would've picked the Vodka?" I turned my head to see Mary smirking.

I smiled back and awnsered "Nah, not yet. Where are the boys?"

"I don't know. But Benny is over there having an arm wrestling match."

"Of course," I said rolling my eyes.

"do you wanna want to watch?"

"Fuck yeah!" Mary screamed over the loud music.

We walked over to see Benny piss drunk arm wrestling some buff body builder. God it's barely been 30 minutes and he's already wasted. We see Benny struggle to keep his arm in place and slowly going the opposite direction until his hand hit the table. The stranger sat up and was celebrating, obviously rubbing it in Benny's face. Then he concluded his celebration and walked off with some short blonde girl.

I turned my head and noticed that Benny was laughing his ass off.

"What are you laughing at?"

"I just lost $10!"

Wow he must be really drunk.

"God damnit Benny! You could of used that $10," I joked.

"I know right," he slurred.

"Who wants $20?! Beat me at arm wrestling!" Benny announced after he took a shot of a mysterious substance.

A tall lankey male with black sholder lenth hair walked up to Benny.

"Fuck yea! How 'bout $40?" Benny asked.

"No Benny! For fuck sakes!" I objected.

"Do it man!" Mary interrupted.

"Mary!" I yelled.

"It's fine, I can definitely beat him." The lanky dude laughed and held his hand out with his elbow on the dodgy table.

Benny placed his hand in his and counted.

"1... 2... 3... Go!"

Benny was struggling after a while and then a miracle happened. Benny slammed the lanky dudes had on the table and celebrated by lifting me up and slouching me on his sholder. I screamed as he spun around, nearly spilling my drink. He put me down and claimed his $40. I looked over to Mary and she was laughing her ass off, I just smiled.

The tall lankey dude approached me after Benny gone back for another match.

"Hey, I'm Cameron by the way."

"Alice. Nice to meet you and this is Mary," I pointed to Mary and she shook his hand, I just smiled.

"You know that guy? He has a thick accent, I can't put my finger on it," he laughed.

"Yeah, he's from my band. We're from Australia actually."

"Oh my fucking god, really?"

"Really really."

"Are you guys from 'Give Us Time'?"

"Oh yeah! You know us?"

"Obviously, we're touring with you, duh," He laughed.

"Shit! What band are you from?"

"The one and only who's hosting this party," He smirked.

"Asking Alexandria? Shit! Sorry I didn't notice you."

"Its totally fine. Hey, wanna meet up with the lads? They would love to meet a fit woman like you," He winked.

I rolled my eyes and giggled a little.

"Umm..." I look back at Mary who was talking to a girl. She should be busy for a while. Cameron stands there impatiently, waiting for an awnser.

"You know what? Fuck it! Yeah."

"Follow me."

And I did.

Cameron lead me to the other side of the party where all the people were chilling instead of dancing. As soon as I got full view of the lounge area I see 4 men sitting there chatting away.

"Boys! This is Alice from 'Give Us Time'," Cameron said as he pointed to me. Cameron flopped down on the couch and a brown shaggy haired guy with lip piercings patted the seat next to him.

I sat next to the shaggy brown haired guy and he introduced himself and shook my hand.

"Hey, I'm Ben."

A tall man with a huge chest piece held his and hand out and introduced himself formaly.

"James, James Cassells," he said in his remarkably low voice.

Then a quite attractive male held out his hand and so I placed my hand in his and he kissed my hand.

"The name is Danny Worsnop," he introduced. He may think he's romantic, but it just made things awkward.

And finally a (not much taller than me) male with an adroable face who sat across me and smiled nervously.

"Hey, I'm Sam."

I couldn't help but smile back, he was quite attractive. I need to stop finding people attractive.

"Ooh, I can't help but feel some sexual tension between you two," Danny smiled a famous smile at me and Sam.

"Oh, no, no, no, no... Nothing like that," Sam shook his head furiously, I just sat there like an awkward poatao.

"Okay then," Danny smirked. I just glared at him.

"Why don't we play a drinking game? Im bored," Ben asked. everyone nodded.

I don't really remember what happened after that.

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