• The Things We've Done Pt. 2 •

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Warning: Drug Use

I walk back out to the party and see a guy riding a motorbike in the penthouse. What? Who invited that guy? I walk to the bar and grab a bottle of light beer and was introduced to a familiar face.

"Hey Matt!" I smiled.

"Sup, mudda fugga!" He smirked, I lauged because he always thinks he's gangsta when he's drunk.

Me and Matt talked for a while and some slut pushed right in the middle of us and flicked her hair in my face.

"Really? Bitch, how much extentions to you need? Enough to strangle me?" I asked sounding sarcastic. She turned around and put on a pissed smile.

"I don't see you dead anytime soon. Might aswell do it now," she fake smiled while pushing me. I put down my drink and look her straight into her eyes.

"You wanna fuck with me mate! Comon! Do it you cunt! Fight me!" I screamed at her.

"Oh that's what I would love to do with sluts like you!" She belted.

"You wanna fuck with an Australian mate! comon then!" I spit at her.

Usually when im drunk I always rub my country in people's faces, my father always taught me to be proud who you fucking are.

She shoved me and pulled my hair. I never do the hair pulling and nail scratching thing, I like to brawl. I punch her square in the jaw and in the eye and kicked her down onto the floor. I punched her one more time in the nose, breaking it.

"That was too awesome!" Matt cheered.

"Lets go dance!" I dragged Matt onto the dance floor.

We were dancing for a short time when I noticed a chick holding a joint.

"Mate! Can I have some?" I asked.

She nodded and handed me the joint. I stick the blunt in between my lips and inhaled the drugs. I exahaled and handed it to Matt. He took a hit and gave it back to the girl.

"Im so fucked up!" I screamed over the loud techno music.

Matt laughed and we danced more.

"Hey guys! The delivery is here!" Danny interrupted.

"What!?" I slurred.

"Come look!" Danny smugged.

Me and Matt followed Danny towards the front door. I see white... No... Wool... Wait... Wool... Mother of God... Danny ordered Sheep, no wait. A fucking petting zoo.

"Woah! How did you get through the guards?" I asked the guy holding a chicken.

"I paid them $200 to let these people through," Danny smirked.

"Danny I- Oh my god sheep!" Cameron interrupted and hugged one of the sheep.

"Dude, I just had the greatest idea. We should move all the animals down to my hotel room and get people to pay $5 to pet them and shit," I slurred barely saying full words. But somehow they understand me.

"Thats genius!" Matt exclaimed.

We pushed all the sheep into the elevator and pushed my level number. After an awkward silence, the doors finally open. We walk to my room number and I opened the door.

When we walked in, Mary was sleeping in the bed with the blonde girl from earlier half naked.

"Wake up! We have a petting zoo!" I screamed in Mary's ear. She instantly shot up and hugged one of the sheep. The blonde chick quickly got dressed and left.

After 20 minutes, some of the party moved down into my room. Benny was here, some girls, some guys, the animals and a few strippers.

I can barely walk now, I snorted coke, drank gallons of alcohol, fucked people, smoked weed and beat people to living shit.

I stumble over to the living room an hear an argument. It sounds like Benny. Oh shit.

"Man fuck you and that slut!" Benny screams at the top of his lungs.

"You need to keep your fucking hands to your fucking self you selfish bastard!" The stranger exclaimed putting his finger in Benny's face.

That's when Cameron came into the picture. Fucking hell.

"Look you little... whatever the fuck you are, but! No one speaks to my mate like that!" Cameron said as he got in his face.

"Ooh, looks like Benny's got a girlfriend!" He laughed.

"You wanna fuck with me cunt! Fight me you cunt! Fight me!" Benny was really pissed. And that's when the guy lunged towards Benny and Cameron. They are pushing and shoving, a few punches here and there.

"Fight. Fight. Fight. Fight. Fight." Everyone was chanting. Matt got irratated and tried to break up the fight.

"Fuck off dickbrain!" The guy yelled.

"You know what!?" Matt exclaimed.

Matt threw a powerful punch and knocked the guy out.

Benny and Cameron were laughing their assess off while Matt walkes away, pissed.

"The party's over!" Mary yells over the crowd.

Everyone is now leaving to go back up to the penthouse. Some are quite angry, some are a little annoyed and some just don't care. I just want them to leave.

"Im going back to the penthouse to fuck some bitches," Cameron winked and left.

Danny walked back in with Matt and thats when I lie down in bed, obviously falling asleep.


"Oh. My. Fucking. God." Mary said covering her mouth in shock.

Danny and James went pale and so did Sam especially. Everyone else was taking there time absorbing the story that I have just told them.

"We... Did all that?" Sam stuttered.

I nodded in guilt and disappointment.

"Well this better not ruin our friendship," Matt declared.

"Yeah..." Danny trailed off.

"Fuck!" Ben yelled.

"What?" I said quietly.

"Our managers are gonna kill us!" He screamed, obviously panicking.

"We could get kicked off tour..." James added.

"Well... Were fucked..." Benny shrugged.

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