• The Shift •

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All I have been doing for these three days was sleep, eat, have doctor check ups and repeat.

Mary told me that it was on the news that Louis has been arrested for abuse, drug use and rape. My fans soon found out and kept sending me flowers, bears and ballons. I keep getting tweets, facbook messages and notifications on Instagram. To be honest, I'm embarrassed. Everyone knows what has happened to me, I don't want to be known that way.

I was humiliated. But I didn't care at this point. I just wanted to get outta here. Everyone has been visiting me every day. They even planned on having shifts on who can stay over night with me.

I keep telling them to go home, but they won't budge. Jesus fucking crist.

After my cheak up with my bitchy doctor, Danny had the shift, I think. Im not even going to bother.

She left the room and Danny soon walked in. Oh, I guess he is.

"Hey man," I croaked.

"Wassup," he said like a gangsta tone. He threw his hands up and pulled the westside symbol.

I laughed at his idiocy and shook my head.

"God, you're such a tool..." I laughed.

"But you know you love me," he smirked. He sat down on the chair next to my bed and grinned at me. He flicked his black hair out of his face and slouched in his chair.

"You know you don't have to stay."

"I'm not leaving."

"Why not? There is a nice house full of our friends and you would rather be in a disgusting hospital?"

"Yup. And besides, Mary said that she'll cut my balls off and feed them to her Cat"

I shook my head and turned to my back. She doesn't even have a cat.

"About the other day..." he said and I looked over to him.

"What did you mean by... I broke my promise?"

I chuckled quietly and shook my head.

"We have all turned to self harm. Matt, Mary, John, Benny... Me. We all had our problems when we started the band. So before our first serious show, we made a promise to eachother that we would never cut again." I explained.

"Makes sense."


"But, sadly... I broke it."

"It wasn't your fault, you know?"

I nodded.

"There is no need to beat yourself up over it."

"Yeah, I guess."

I felt like I was going to cry. But I didn't.

"You know we haven't even finished a song yet?"


"Yeah, we couldn't even get the bass parts finished because Sam is being a real dip shit."

"What's his problem?"

"No one knows," he shrugged.

"Dickhead," mumbled.


"How's it going at the house?"

"Pfft, don't even get me started."

"What happened?" I asked and pushed myself up a little bit.

"Lola left, to god knows where. Benny is a bit... upset. Mary wouldn't let go of her phone while you were gone. John was being a complete asshole..."

I nodded in agreement. He can be an asshole most of the time.

"... We're struggling to pay for food, and booze..."

I laughed a little at that one.

"... The Real Estate is threatening to turn the power off. We don't know what to do."

This is all my fault. I caused this.

"I-Im sorry."

"Don't be. We'll find a way to pay the bills."


"Hopefully we'll finish a song before the power is out."

I nodded and sunk lower into my bed.

Danny's phone buzzed and he pulled it out of his pocket. He looked at the phone and frowned.

"What's wrong?"

"Uhh, Cameron's girlfriend... She uhh... suggested that we should sell her equipment for cash," he said while pinching the bridge of his nose.

"What kind of equipment."

"Oh, she's some kind of youtuber, fashion designer and photographer."

It suddenly hit me. I have and idea where we can get some money.

"Clothes..." I whispered.


"We can design a clothing line!"

"What! why?"

"To get money ass hat!"

He frowned at me and thought about it.

"That uhh, isn't a bad idea."

"And Cameron's girlfriend can take all the photos of the clothing line."

He nodded and agreed with me. Through the night we kept on talking about ideas and stuff about the clothing line. At around 1:00am we watched TV and soon fell asleep.

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