• Riot! •

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"Done!" Haylee almost cheered.

I get off the couch and limp over to the bathroom. I turn on the light and turn my leg towards the mirror.

"Oh my fucking god!" I giggled in happiness.

"That is badass," Cameron winked.

"Oh my god Haylee thank you," said hugging Haylee tightly.

She maybe a overly nice and scary person. But she has amazing tattooing skills.

"Im glad you like it," she said while I let go of her.

"So you're next?" Haylee asked Mary.

"Yep," she said popping the 'P'.

"Okay, here is the drawing of your tattoo," Haylee smiled widely as she handed Mary the sketch book.

"Wow, this is so cool! I love Riot!" She said extending 'Love'.

"Okay, where do you want it?" She asked putting her thick glasses back on.

"On my upper thigh," Mary smiled while pointing at her right thigh.

"Cool, you could lay down or sit up. Your choice!" She beemed.

Mary shrugged and layed down while Haylee put her ointment on Mary's skin.

"Im gonna go sit down for a while," I said limping back out to the front lounge.

"Is that your new tattoo," Alan said while admiring the tattoo.

"What is it?" Phil asked.

"It's Queen Akasha. From 'The Queen Of The Damned'," I smiled proudly.

"Oh my god! I love 'The Queen Of The Damned'," Tino said and raising his hand for a high five.

"Finally! Someone who has seen it!" I high fived Tino.

I sat down and couldn't just stop looking at my tattoo. her teeth were perfectly shaded, her skin was the right tone, her crown stood out, she was just plain beautiful.

"Im bored," Alan groned.

"Well princess, if you're so bored. You should have an idea to do something," Aaron joked.

"Well... We could watch '500 Days Of Summer'," Alan suggested.

"Oh dear god no!" Phil protested.

"Why don't we just play Call Of Duty," Aaron suggested while holding up the xbox controller.

"Hm, why not? I can totally beat you guys," I smugged.

"Pfft, whatever," Tino rolled his eyes.

"Wanna bet?"

"Yep! All of us against you," he smiled.

"Bring it on," I smirked.

Its been an hour and a half and the whole time we were playing C.O.D.

"Yes I won!" Aaron cheered.

"Yeah so? I still came second place," I smiled proudly.

"Yeah! But I no-scoped you! That! Is how you win a match!" He celebrated.

"I will get my revenge," I said evilly.

He laughed and rolled his eyes.

"Better go check on Mary," I said and sat up.

I limped over to the back room and hear a buzz from the tattoo machine.

I open the door and peeked my head through the door. Mary was clutching her pillow with her life and her face was tomato red. Cameron was laughing at the sight of Mary in pain. Ass. I walk in and ask Mary if she was okay. She nodded her head and covered her face with the pillow.

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