• New Home •

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Benny's P.O.V

We saw the house and it was fucking massive. It was bricked, gray roofs and it was in an isolated area.

"How the fuck did we afford this?" Lola asked.

"If we could all chip in we can buy too," Cameron said while hooking his arm around his girlfriend, Millie.

She seems nice, apparently she's a 'YouTuber'. She vlogs for a living and make short little videos. We walked into the house and it was full of our furniture and instruments.

All day we moved the furniture into our rooms. We have a dining room, me and Lola share a room with a bathroom, Danny has one with his girlfriend, Cameron has a room with Millie, Mary has a room to herself, same with John, Matt, Ben, James, Sam and Alice. But Alice's stuff is in her room but Mary is sorting it all out. There are 5 lounge rooms, one for Give Me Time to play in, one for Asking Alexandria to play in, one so we can all play in and the others are just to hang out in.

Some of the rooms are used to record cirtain things. Some are just empty.

Me and Lola were just laying in our bed exhausted from lifting, unpacking and stupid shit like that.

"I'm so tired," she whispered from exhaustion.

"Aw, I don't want you to be tired," I said and put her arms around my neck and pulled me closer.

I kissed her forhead and she smiled. He eyes were a beautiful hazel and her lips were a perfect pink. Her hair was a gorgeous scene blonde and green streaks.

I watched her fall asleep and I know that she was thinking of me. Believe me, I was thinking of her too.

I slipped out of her arms without waking her up and I walked out of the room. I walked into our hangout lounge and I see Millie, Cameron and Matt just hanging out.

I sat down and joined into the conversation. After a while Mary walked into the room with her eyes glued to her phone.

"What's up Mary?" Millie asked.

"Alice won't awnser her phone."

"Really?" Cameron asked.

"Yeah. I think she turned off her phone."

"Shit man," I said.

"Do you know where she is?" Millie asked.

"No. I'm getting really worried."

"She'll call back eventually," Matt reassured.

She nodded and looked down at her phone. There was a painful silence and Cameron broke the silence. Thank The Lord.

"So who wants a drink?"

We all nodded so Millie and Cameron walked out to get drinks.

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