• Smeard Mirror •

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Alice's P.O.V

I locked myself in my bathroom to cry my heart out. I screamed my lungs out as I pace around the room pulling my hear. I hear pounding on my door, but I scream it away. I screamed as loud as I usually would on stage. I finally sink to my knees and I bang my head lightly on the ground. I start to cry instead of scream, the sobs fill the room as I hear Mary and Ben pleading me to open the door. I feel everything spin as I uncontrollably scream again.

I look into the mirror and saw my horrendous self. I start throwing random objects at the mirror and kept screaming louder at the mirror.


I threw a bottle at it and a white substance was smeared onto mirror. I soon realised that I threw the shampoo bottle. I start crying harder and my back hit the wall. I slid down and cradled into my misery. This was the lowest I have ever sunk.

There was still banging and pounding at the door. I looked at the door with my watery tears. I hear a click in a lock at the door and I hid my face from embarrassment. I start to cry again as arms wrapped around me. A hand touched mine as I realised it was Ben. Mary had her arms wrapped around me tightly and I felt a sense of security.

After a while they helped me up. They sat me down on my bed and I put my head into my hands. Mary was rubbing circles on my back with her tiny Asian hands.

"What's wrong with me Mary?" I whimper.
"Nothing is wrong with you," she reassured.
"I'm falling apart..." I whispered.

"No you're not Alice... Shhh," she said over my sloppy sobs and runny sniffing.

What is wrong with me. I usually never show weakness, but not today.

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