• What Happened? •

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"Ughh, what the fuck?"

As soon as I raised my head from the bed, my head was pounding like Im being hit in the head with a hammer, over and over again. Man I really must of been wasted last night, I can't remember anything.

I look around the room to see Matt and Danny cuddling on the foor and there was a chicken walking around the living room. What the fuck... Why is there a chicken? I don't even want to know.

I hop off the bed slowly and walk towards my suit case under the coffee table. I pulled out my Medicine Bag and swallowed some Pain Killers. That should do the trick.

I walk over to the bathroom and see Mary sleeping in the bathtub. Her face was peacefully sleeping and I shook her awake.

"Wakey wakey vanilla shakey."

She groned and sat up.

"Fuck," she moned in pain.

"What happened last night?"

"I don't know, just get up," I replied.

We both shuffled out of the bathroom to see the room was a fucking wreck. Lamps were smashed, curtains torn, beds pulled apart. How did I not notice this earlier?

"What the- Is that a chicken!" Mary said looking shocked.

I laughed and walked to kitchen to see Benny past out on the floor. His face had penises drawn all over it with sharpies. I just held in my giggles and carefully walked over Benny trying not to stand on him. I opened the fridge to discover that all the food was gone, including all the liquor. Of coarse.

I sighed and closed the refrigerator door. Benny shot up by the loud bang and grunted like a child.

"Where am I?"

"Your in the hotel."

"What happened last night?"

"I don't know, I can't remember anything."


I concluded and walked out of the kitchen and see Mary kicking Matt and Danny awake. Matt woke up first thinking Danny was a girl and pulled him closer to him. Matt kissed Danny on the cheek and similed. Then Danny turned towards Matt and his face dropped instantly and so did Matt's. They pushed eachother off and screamed.

"What the fuck man!" Matt screamed at Danny.

"Why did you kiss me man! Your foul!"

"I thought you were a chick!"

"Fine! Sorry," Danny said apologetically.

"Its okay."

"Well well well... And you thought I was gay," I said smirking at Matt.

"Yes you are!" Matt laughed.

"Im Bisexual you fuckwit!" I fought back.

"Whatever," Matt said as he rolled his eyes.

"What happened last night?" I asked as Benny walked into the room.

"I don't know," Benny sighed.

"Does anyone remember anything?" Mary asked.

We all shook our heads.

"Yeah well, Im- Wait... Where's John?" I panicked.

"I dont know, he might be back in the penthouse." Danny suggested. We all nodded in agreement and walked to the elevator. Danny pressed the number of the floor and the doors closed.

"So what do you guys remember?" Mary asked suspiciously.

"Well don't remember anything after we had that drinking game..." Danny awnsered as he looked straight at me.

"Yeah... same," I nodded and looked down at the floor.

"Well I was in the hot tub with this chick and she gave me some wine... I think...Or was it a blowjob? I don't know," Benny questioned himself looking puzzled.

I giggled a little and so did the others.

"I just took some shots and after that I don't remember shit," Mary groned and put her hands on her face rubbing her eyes.

"I think I was smoking weed with Benny, I blacked out after that," Matt said raising an eyebrow at Benny.

"Damn, I must of been really drunk," Benny smiled.

"Yep," Danny said poping the 'P'.

Finally the doors opened, yet again revealing the two golden doors. Danny puts his hands on the handles and slides the doors open.

The room looked like a hurricane passed through it. It is worse than our room, there are approximately 5 sheep, the curtains were ripped off the wall, the couches were flipped over, people were passed out on the floor, broken bottles everywhere, the TV was smashed and the Playstation 4 was in tiny little pieces.

"Jesus..." Mary gasped.

"Well, Im gonna go find Ben, Sam, James and Cam," Danny suggested.

"Yeah, we'll go find John," I smiled slightly.

We went our separate ways to go find the boys. I looked everywhere. No John. But then I realized I haven't checked one room, the master bedroom. I walked around to find the room, then I found the door. It's strange I know my way around.

I opened the door and see over 12 women all sleeping on top of each other half naked on the bed. "Wake up ya sluts! Wake up!" I yelled to irritate them.

They all shot up and rubbed there eyes in confusion. I could just see through the pile women to see John and James.

"Comon you wankers, it's time for breakfeast," I joked.

James and John nodded and shuffled out of the room half asleep and in there underwear.

We walk out into the living room to see everyone kicking out all the strangers and cleaning up.

"Found them," a said as I broke the silence.

"Good, I guess that's everyone," Matt declared.

"Yet again, does anyone remember anything at all?" Danny questioned.

We all shook our heads upset and tired wishing we could remember everything.

Cameron sighed and walked over to a Laptop. I don't know how it survived the party, I thought it would've ended up like the Playstation. He opened it and suddenly his face dropped.

"What?" Ben asked.

"You have to see this..." All 10 of us huddled the laptop.

"What the fuck?!" Danny shouted.

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