• I Thought You Cared? •

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"So your bus in number 24. You could tell because it has your logo on it," Steve smiled as he handed our bus driver his keys.

We walked to our bus and I see double decker bus with bright green banner that says 'Give Me Time'.

I smiled widely and entered the bus. The bus was very luxurious, it had red and black leather couches, expensive fridge and stove, it had a back lounge down the bottom, a nicely large bathroom with toilet and shower, wide staircase, 17 large bunks nicely made and another lounge up the top.

"Holy shit," Matt muttered.

Wow, it's been a while since everyone has talked to eachother.

"Yeah," I whispered.

"I dibs top bunk!" Benny screams running up to the top.

"Oh no you're not bitch!" Matt chased Benny upstairs.

Me, Mary and John walked up stairs and picked our bunks.

I layed down in my bunk and decided to message Louis.

Hey baby, I'm now on my bus ;)

He replied instantly.

Thats grest babe xx Wanna call me later tonight? <3

Yeah, I got to go to a club with friends first though :/

Oh, it's okay xx

I love you <3

I love you too babe :) xx

I closed my phone and walked up to the top lounge and sat down while everyone was playing Call Of Duty.

"So when do we get to meet our crew?" I asked.

They all looked at me in shock and carried on with what they're doing. What?

"Um... tomorrow," Matt said.

"Oh, okay," I finished.

Why aren't they talking to me? What's going on? What did I do?

I looked at them in confusion and they all just ignored me. Seriously, What the actual fuck is going on?

"Hey guys," I said nervously breaking the silence.

"Can we just forget what happened?" I said.

"Why should we?" John said looking pissed off.

"Because you're my friends!"

"Oh really! Leaving us for some pop star! Yeah that's what friends do!" Mary spat.

"Why can't you just be happy for me?"

"We are, it's just... we don't trust this guy..." Benny sighed.

"I know you don't, I love him okay. He cares about me, and I care about him."

They all nodded in embarrassment and I walked out of the lounge. I walked down stairs and walked outside of the bus. I pulled out a cigarette and put it between my lips. I grabbed my lighter and lit up the cigarette.

I lean against the bus and sighed. Why don't they trust him? I love Louis. Why can't they understand the fact that I'm happy? I look down at my scars and my tattoo of 5 'X's. Hopefully my life dosen't go to shit again, I'll have to add another 'X' to the collection.

Why do I-?

"Hey," a voice interrupted my thoughts. James.

"Hey," I said with no emotion.

"Look, we're really sorry about what happened a few weeks ago," he apologized.

"It's fine," I said looking at my Vans.

"You guys were right, I should of told you guys," I said still looking at my shoes.

I took another drag from my cigarette and sighed quietly.

"Yeah, it's fine, the guys are feeling quite guilty about it anyways," he chuckled.

I smiled slightly and thought about the guys. They're my best mates, I can't believe they slipped my mind.

"I hope everything in Warped goes okay," I sighed.

"It should, we don't hate you," he said smirking like a fool.



"Everyone is acting wierd, not because of what happened. It's something else." I said finishing my cigarette and looking at James.

"Oh, you don't know," He winked.


"Louis' paparazzi found you guys kissing and his girlfriend found out."

"What the fuck!" I screamed and ran back inside.

"Alice!" James followed.

I ran up the stairs in fury and stormed into the top, back lounge.

"What the actual fuck! You didn't tell me!" I yelled.

"We thought you knew," John said calmly.

"That's bullshit! I wouldn't be with him if I knew!"

"How did you find out then?!" Benny screams with anger.

I look behind me and look James right in the eyes and I start to tear up.

"You're a dick!" I yelled at him.

"Me? What did I do!"

"All of you! You all knew! You didn't tell me! I thought you were my friends?! I thought you trusted you?! I thought you cared?!" I screamed while crying.

"You shouldn't be angry at us! It's your fucking boyfriend you should be pissed at!" Mary stated.

I narrowed my eyes and stormed out of the bus. Fuck this shit.

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