• The Date •

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After I met Louis at the Music Awards, I started to grow fond of him. Whenever he texted me I always smile because he would text something cute or something funny.

It has been a month after I met Louis, we arranged a date today because we cross paths from tour. Only Mary, Matt and Danny know about Louis. I told Mary because she's my best friend, I accidentally told Matt because I was drunk and Danny stole my phone from me, Dick.

Everyone else dosen't know about Louis, if we end up dating I might tell them. I fear they might judge him because he's in One Direction. They can be so judge mental towards pop stars. Louis is different, he makes my heart flutter whenever he calls me. He makes me smile till my cheaks grow sore. He makes me have butterflies in my stomach, whenever he calls me beautiful. He just so perfect.

I slowly get out of the hotel bed smiling of the fact that I'm going on a date with Louis. I start to walk across my hotel room and a trip over a bag full of clothes. I yelp in pain and Sam shoots up from his bed and runs over to me.

Yes we have to share a room, Mary is in a room with her girlfriend, so I'm stuck with Sam. We don't really hate each other, its just a bit awkward. Thank god we have separate beds.

"Jesus, are you okay?" Sam said while picking me up.

"Yeah," I said wincing at the pain that shot through my hand.

"I think I fractured something."

"Oh god, do you need a bandage?"


Sam runs over to the bathroom and grabs out some bandages. He takes my hand and gently takes my hand and wraps the bandage on my hand.

"God damnit, it's on my Slipknot hand," I frowned.

"Is that all your worried about?" He laughed.

"Nah, it's just I don't want to be injured today."

"Why? We have a free day."

"It's just... I have a... thing today."

"A thing?"

"Yeah, well... a date."

Sam looked up at me shocked and looked back down at my hand.

"I'll uhh... go get some ice," he smiled weakly and walked out to the kitchen area.

Shit. I guess I made him feel bad. Oh god, did I hurt his feelings? Does he like me? No. I heard he has a new girlfriend. Why would he be upset?

I sat down on Sams bed and looked at my hand. Great. Now I got a fucked up hand for my date. Perfect, just fucking perfect. Sam walkes back in with an ice pack and places it on my hand. I looked back up at Sam and he looked dead tired.

"Sam, you should go back to sleep," I said as I stood up.

He nodded and crawled back into his bed. I looked at his bedside table to look at the clock. 7:30am, okay I have 4 hours to kill. Louis is picking me up at 11:30am, I think I'm gonna read my book for a few more hours.

I walk to my suitcase and grab out 'It' from Stephen King. I love Stephen King, his books are amazing. I walk over to my bed and slid in under the blankets and start reading.

I finished chapter 34 and I looked at the clock, 11:00am. Shit, I have 30 minutes until Louis gets here. I jump out of my bed quitely, trying not to wake Sam and run to the bathroom.

I close the door and think if I should shower or not. Fuck it, I'll just wear alot of perfume. I look through the bathroom to find my clothes and finally found what I wanted. I get dressed in my black skinny jeans and white 'Of Mice & Men' tank top. I quickly brush my blue wavy hair and put on my daily makeup.

I run out of the bathroom to see that Sam was already awake. I run over to my side of the room and find my green Vans and black benie. I find my phone and slide it into my pocket as I run quickly back to the bathroom.

I brushed my teeth and ran to the kitchen.

"Calm down," Sam smirked.

"He'll be here any second," I said opening a bottle of whiskey and taking a mouthfull.

"Hey, gimme some," he laughed as he took the bottle from my hands.

I smiled at him and hear a knock on my door, I jumped up and speed walked to the door. I looked back at Sam and wave back smiling like an idiot and open the door to reveal Louis.

"Hey beautiful," he smiled.

I blushed and gave I gave him a warm hug.

"Hey Louis," I said letting go of him.

I closed the door and we started walking to the elevator.

"What happened to your hand?" He asked with concern.

"Oh, I tripped over and landed on it I guess," I giggled at my clumsiness.

"Oh, your poor hand," He said as he took it gently.

His touch made me feel sparks shock all through my body. I blushed as he kissed it.

"I think I'll live," I said cooling off from blushing.

The day went by fast. Too fast. We whent out for lunch, then we hung out for a while by going for a long walk, we got an ice cream and we are now walking around the city.

"It's not my fault that I got suspended!" He laughed while I laughed as he told me a hilarious story.

"Liar!" I teased.

"Am not!" He joked.

"Whatever," I said rolling my eyes and pushed him playfully.

"Hey..." Louis said as he took my hands and looked me straight in the eyes.

"I really like you, you're beautiful, smart, funny and talented. I'm so happy met you," He said while smiling like a fool. Ugh, that adorable smile. I can never get over it.

"Thank you Louis," I blushed.

He leaned in and brushed his lips with mine, until finally he crashed his lips on mine. His lips tasted like vanilla and strawberries, I just wanted to kiss him more. Our lips move in sync as I placed my hands on his neck while he placed his in my waist. We broke apart and smiled at eachother widely.

"Do you want to be my girlfriend," he asked nervously.

I nodded my head and pecked his soft lips.

He's so perfect, I can't ask for anything more. His smile, his lips, his eyes and his everything. I think I love him.

"We should probably head back," he said breaking my thoughts.

"Yeah," I smiled as we intertwined our fingers, walking back to my hotel.

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