Publicity stunt

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Carlie's P.O.V
I don't know why Avery ( the orphanage runner) even try's to get me adopted I mean I know she wants to get rid of me but know one ever wants a teenager. It would be nice to get adopted and have a family at least averys trying. but I know it just will never happen " Carlie get out here" Avery yelled at me to get in line on stage so another stupid couple can decide they want a little annoying baby so they can have a cute stupid family blah blah blah it's the same thing as every other dumb couple they don't want a teenager

Rudan's P.O.V
Calls the rest of 5quad*
Hey guys team meeting at 5 (it's already 4) At 5* Hey guys is this meeting we need to discus publicity and I was thinking "we need a daughter " nick spoke up. why thank you nick for being my voice you know it's pretty cool that you can make me sound just like you good work.  I said sarcastically. but yes I was thinking that so we can get more good publicity we should adopt a daughter. "but why no we can not do that I can't even live on my own for another 3 year never mind the fact that I'm going to have to take car of another living breathing human" zach said sounding upset. it's not like that zach I am going to be the father and all the rest of you guys will be her brothers plus I don't really want a baby or a little kid I want a teen that already knows how to take care of her self cause to be completely honest I don't want to have the talk with her.

Hey guys this is only the first chapter it's gonna be better in the next chapters coming up but for now I hope you enjoy and don't for get to

SMILE !!!!!!!!! ( I love Edwin)

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